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Chapter 3


"Good mooooorning!" the obnoxiously loud voice reverberates throughout the room. I jolt awake in a state of panic, still mildly unfamiliar with my surroundings before the distinct scent of Stefan Salvatore wafts up my nose. Stefan's bed. I'm in Stefan's bed, in Stefan's room. In a fucking alternate dimension in an everlasting loop of the nineties.

"Time to rise and shine Mr. Sleepy Head!" the siphoner sings as I peel my eyelids open, my throat emitting a gravelly groan coated with exhaustion. My eyes follow the currently blurry man across the room as he skips towards the windows which happen to be protected by thick curtains. My eyes widen in horror.

"No!" I let out a shout - full of voice cracks to my dismay - of disapproval, diving under the thick duvet as Kai pulls open the curtains, the blaring sun beaming in through the glass and probably sizzling everything in sight.

The sound of Kai laughing gleefully at my reaction to the discomfort hits my ears and I pout scornfully from under my blanket fort of protection. I let out a frankly embarrassing yelp as he tugs at the duvet, pulling the blanket off my skin and onto a heap on the floor. My hands instinctively shield my eyes from the bright rays of the sun.

"Do you fucking mind?" I sneer, glowering at him through the cracks in my fingers as Kai folds his arms across his chest, staring down at me in faux disappointment. I am so not a morning person.

"Gotta go grocery shopping," he towers over me, thankfully his tall stature creating a shadow over my face and I reluctantly peel my hand away from my eyes, squinting up at the tall boy. "Fridge's gone kaboom and you really don't wanna see me hungry. What's that commercial again?" He mimics an explosion with his hands at the word kaboom before cocking his head. "You're not you when you're hungry? Yeah well, I'm more me. More murderous," He says the last sentence with a malevolent grin, eyes glowing mischievously.

I sit up on my elbows with a sarcastic scoff, leering up at him with a squint.

"How have you eaten through the entire fridge already...?" I question, more to myself than him and he shrugs, holding his arms out in defense.

"I like food, sue me. Not like my body can change or anything," He says, patting his stomach, and my lips purse at this, head tilting in contemplation at the physics of this alternate dimension. He can't die as it was made to prison him, that's a fact. He can't age, the proof being the still twenty-two year old Greek fucking God standing a foot away from me. But I can't help but question the logistics. If he was to shave his head, would his hair just regenerate the next day? Can he grow facial hair? Hell, even get a tattoo or something frivolous like that?

"It's like emotional eating!" is the sentence that breaks me from my inner onslaught of questions and I let out a flippant laugh as I flop back down against the pillow, letting my eyes fall shut. "You don't have emotions, Kai."

He rolls his eyes as if I've personally offended him with my factual remark, but we both know that to be untrue and laced with sarcasm.

"Well if I did, I'd be eating them," he defends and I have to stifle an unfortunate chuckle at his stupidity. Do not let him get to you, Fox. It's all a facade.

"Can you not go grocery shopping, I dunno, by yourself?" I question, my voice laced with annoyance. "Need someone to hold your hand so you don't run off?" My mocking statement is accompanied by an over exaggerated pout, bottom lip protruding with wide eyes. He breaks out in a grin at this, because every thing I do is so fucking hilarious to him.

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