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Chapter 8


The following meal was, well... awkward to say at least. Kai had calmed down substantially, even offering to cook more bacon as my second piece had flown off the plate during his emotional outburst. Well, emotional outburst doesn't seen quite right. It sounds... belittling. Dismissive. The sociopath had every right to react the way he did. I had refused, the guilty feeling of him cooking even more for me on top of invading his privacy too loud in my psyche.

"So..." I exhale after swallowing my last mouthful of potato and setting my fork down. "It's after dinner." He glances up under his lashes from his food, faux oblivion to what I'm referring to. "Does it look like I'm done?" He questions rhetorically, gesturing to the half a forkful of potato and a nibble of bacon left on his plate. I roll my eyes, however unable to be stern with him after... what happened. My guilty conscience too strong despite promising him no pity.

I reach over to his plate as he shovels the last little bit of potato past his lips and snatch the bacon. He groans in protest, a muffled 'hey!' leaving his throat and his eyebrows scrunched as his eyes follow the bacon into my mouth.

"All done!" I smile mirthfully, as I chew, at his pout.

"Dickhead," he mutters under his breath before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. Defeat plastered on his posture. "We need to find the ascendent," he finally relinquishes. I blink back dumbly at him, probably resembling a frog and my mouth gapes in confusion.

"The what?"

He unfolds his arms, leaning on his elbows against the table. "The ascendent. It's a mystical relic, belongs to my coven," his eyes train to mine as I listen intently, smirk growing on his face. "And it happens to be the key to getting the fuck out of this shit hole." A lightbulb goes off in my head as the pieces start to come together in my mind, solving the puzzle running rampant in my head for the past three days.

"It belongs to your coven," I parrot back to him. "Which is why we're in Portland. Which means..." I trail off, eyes flicking to him and his outstretched grin. "Which means it's here," he finishes off my sentence for me. My face lights up at his confirmation, my previously drained demeanour blossoming hues of pink from excitement. It's fucking here. Which means I'm finally going home.

I'm almost unable to contain my elation, knee bobbing excitedly and uncontrollably under the table. "Well, how are we gonna find it?" My voice is almost hysterical from my excitement. "What does it look like?" Kai rolls his eyes at my almost childlike enthusiasm, but I can't ignore the smile tugging the corner of his lip and the shine in his eyes.

"Not that simple, Xee," he sighs with almost fond exasperation. "My dad is the Gemini Coven leader; Not like it's gonna be hidden in a bottom drawer like some kid's journal," He raises his eyebrows, giving me a pointed look. My face drops, but for some reason, there doesn't seem to be a hint of anger or malice in his tone which catches me by surprise. I can't help but frown either way, eyes dropping to his empty plate to avoid his stare. "Sorry."

"Doesn't matter," he shrugs carelessly and my eyes catch his again, the blue pools conspicuously contradicting his words. The same darkness from thirty minutes ago swimming in them, but I decide not to push him. I've already done enough.

"The ascendent, however," he continues, a smart diversion from his emotions. From the undisputed proof of his emotional pain and trauma. From his secret. "That's what's important."

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