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Chapter 4


The door of Stefan's bedroom swings open— revealing a, quite frankly, pissed off looking twenty-two year old. I roll my eyes, sighing, and sit up into a sitting position in bed. Thank god I was already awake or else I would've had to resort to almost stabbing him in the abdomen out of irritation. Again.

I stifle a smirk at the memory from a few days before, blade in hand, eyes flickering back and forth between the glinting metal and the siphoner. 'No one will really miss him, right?' the thought circulated through my mind, inevitably deciding with a sigh that maybe temporarily killing a murderous sociopath who's favourite past time is planning his revenge on the people who've wronged him isn't the best idea. Maybe.

I've been spending an insurmountable amount of time in the company of the sociopath, and to my utter fucking dismay, he's not... well, terrible. When you remove the whole mass murderer aspect, that is. He unfortunately had a matching dark sense of humour that I definitely had to stifle laughs at more than a couple of times and as much as it pains me to admit; he doesn't hurt to look at.

For most of the days, we simply lounged around and watched either shitty nineties tv or old Disney movies - which I was loving as Kai groaned and clearly lied about hating them and being bored, but I saw right through him.

After having another bone chillingly terrifying interaction with whatever fucking apparition appears to be following me in all reflections, I quickly came to the conclusion that it only ever happened when I was alone. Thus, the unlikely acquaintanceship - friendship is way too strong of a word - with the siphoner grew. He kept up his end of the bargain - for the most part; as long as I was nice he was nice and as we prefaced before, he hadn't tried to kill me.

For now, however, the only thing I'm certain of is that I don't necessarily hate him and as for Kai, well, he just generally doesn't give a shit and I'm a-okay with that. Malachai was in his own little world most of the time. His own, demented, twisted little world.

That is until now, of course.

He storms into the room and towers over my bed, his face like stone as I stare up at him, crossing my arms over my chest and tilting my head in faux confidence. While I had become accustomed to the man's antics over the past week, the shiver that ran down the knobs of my spine and the goosebumps that threatened to erupt on my skin never seemed to diminish whenever he had his... moments.

"What do you want now?" I ask, clearly exasperated. He clenches his jaw, letting out an annoyed sigh and I raise my eyebrow in question.

"We've been stuck in this rusty dusty old boarding house in fucking Virginia of all places, for almost two weeks, Fox, and it's kind of starting to seem like your friends aren't coming!" he throws his arms up in frustration before running his hands through his hair, pacing around the room. I tug my bottom lip in between my teeth at the mention of my friends. It had also dawned on me that there's been zero contact from them whatsoever and it was honestly really beginning to scare me.

There was no doubt in my mind last week that Liv was going to do the spell she done that got me here in the first place again and we could all go home and be a happy family (excluding Kai in the family aspect). However, when the second week rolled around, that certainty and confidence began to dwindle immensely. Magic takes time the mantra repeated in my head on a loop, but there's been time. Almost two full weeks.

The thoughts that I usually try and push to the back of my mind, and succeed most of the time, started to rise to the surface. What if they don't care that I'm here at all? What if they're doing better without me?

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