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Chapter 7

warning for more graphic depictions of self-harm, hints of a suicide attempt/ideation, abuse. stay safe <3


One overnight stay - in an actual bed this time, thank god - in a random house in Wyoming, and six hours and twenty minutes later, we pull up to the infamous Parker household in Portland, Oregon, surrounded by almost a whole woodland of trees, hiding the Coven from the rest of the public. Suffice to say, the leading family of the Gemini Coven were definitely well-off.

"And there it is folks," Kai announces, pulling the keys from the ignition, climbing out and slamming the car door behind him. "Casa di Parker."

I hop out of the car behind him and gaze up at the white family home with a cocked brow. From an outsiders perspective, it looked like a normal, family home, definitely more middle-class, if the abundance of surrounding land and the fancy wrap around porch had anything to say. Though, when you know the terror that happened inside, the bloodshed, the carnage, the screams of little kids, it all changes.

"Nice," Is all I can muster.

Kai starts to walk towards the house, whistling some unfamiliar tune as he does. I follow behind, still kind of intimidated by the large house and the horrors that lie within.

I come to a halt as my eyes flit from the actual building, to the porch, the garden. Children's toys litter the wood of the porch. Three small pink, blue and green bikes are rested up against the wooden railing. Small enough that there's no doubt in my mind who those bikes belonged to. It makes my heart stutter.

A doll house sits opened just by the front door, cluttered with a plethora of tiny furniture, dolls, and overall just mess. Children's mess. Children who eighteen years ago where carefree, playing and giggling with their siblings. Completely unaware as to what was to come. I gulp audibly, taking my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Uh, hello? Prison world to Fantastic Mr Fox," Kai says, waving his hand in front of my face. I blink repeatedly as I snap back to reality, shaking my head to rid myself of the onslaught of morbid thoughts. You knew where you were going, Fox. You knew what was coming. Relax.

I snort once I realise what he's called me. I look at him, raising an incredulous eyebrow. "Well, that's a new one," I muse. He rolls his eyes with a smirk and notions towards the door that I didn't notice him open. "You may enter," he says formally as if he's some sort of butler.

I hesitantly step foot into the house and the smell hits me.


I'm not a vampire but there was so much, the house practically drowning in it, that even my human senses could pick up the metallic twang in the air. The, once white walls, now dripping with the crimson liquid. Splashes of red dotting the wooden floors, still wet, not having enough time pass to dry completely. Coagulation seeping into the bones of what used to be a family home, tainting it permanently. If I didn't know any better, I would think I just waltzed into a set of a horror movie. Some cheesy slasher. Full of gore and guts. But this wasn't a movie. This wasn't fictional. This was real life. Real blood. Real murder.

"What? You're not squeamish are you?" Kai asks from behind me, slightly amused. I shoot him a glare over my shoulder, features harsh.

"No not particularly, but an entire house covered in it might fucking do it," I spit out. It's at times like these, where any growing feelings of potential friendship I have for the siphoner completely dissolves. Instantaneously. The reminder that he is, in fact, a sadistic mass murderer chilling my bones and shooting up my walls of defense.

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