Chapter 1. The New Crush

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    Hello, my names Sonica, Sonica The Hedgehog. I'm just an ordinary Junior Highschool student. I have ranked A's in all of my classes. In this school though, you have to fight to survive. Nobody gets to Collage in this school. But, oh well. I was in my seat with no one next to me. With my black shirt, dark blue pants, white socks, and steamed punk shoes, with a spiky purple cotton jacket, I stand out more than most. Which I still wished for a mate, or a boyfriend at least. I dont wanna be the only girl who is dating in this rotten school. My father, who is richer than fuck, wont let me out of this retarded school. My mother, who left me and my father, hasnt called me once since she left. Its been exactly 4 years, 3 months, and 0 days. And I think these girls are more preppy than my twin sister. Yeah I have a twin, so what? I also have triplet brothers, I always make sure their safe and prepaired for hell. I also have a step brother who is an ass when hes supposed to do his college homework, so I have to watch him, even if hes gotta go and go piss, I always watch him to get his ass in gear. And which I wanna punch him and kill him, but for right now, I have to help this boring kid I've heard about in the teach's office. I swear they don't even close their damned doors. I wanna find whoever wont close the damned door and kick his ass. But I'm just waiting till it's time to get his little, scrawny... "Hey, Sonica, what are ya thinking?" My twin asked, she's something more than a cute girl. She gets A's in all of her classes, as well. But she has different classes, and she likes the easyer classes, too. I face palmed and look at her with a serious face, "Yo! Nothing much, just trying to figure this kids look before-" I foud the kid after looking towards my sister, hes kinda adorable. "Hey! Who are you?" Asked the big ole jackass Tony. Tony Witfrey, aka, Tony the Fat D's, D stands for Destroyer, at least to the moronic boys. I already knew what that ment and I'm fifteen. But, meh! I just stared at Tony and then the newbie. I stand up sighing and walked over to the moronic asses, while my eyes were closed. They stared at my direction and I asked a question, "What'cha doing Tony? Bullying the newbies, want me to ask him something?" I asked and he didnt say a word, but just smirked, "I guess it means a 'yes'?" I looked at the newbie kid, "Hey! Whats your name?" I asked bluntly, he stares at me with a confused look. He looked rich, 'damn them!' I thought. "I'm Silver. Silver The Hedgehog, whats yours?" He asked smiling. My heart stopped. 'Hes so god damned cute!' I thought, but I answered while smirking, "Heh, my names Sonica, Sonica The Hedgehog. That brute is named Tony Witford. And those are his little minions," they looked disgusted, to be honest, I like that look, it just makes me wanna punch each of them more. Silver looked kinda scared at his 'minions' and then looked at me, smiling like a good prince. My heart stopped again, but this time, I think I nosebled. Woops! He looked worried, "Hey, you ok Sonica?" Silver asked, 'hes sooooo god damned precious.' But something inside of me created an Instincts that I didnt want, but what'cha can you do? I saw Tony talking to his, friends, while chuckling at the sight of me. I didnt care really. Silver just looked at me with some face that I'm not sure if it was me, or the time that was throwing him off. The bell rang, 'fwew, saved by the bell' it was gonna be first hour, which is Science class. So, time to head over to my seat. But I cant help this feeling about either protecting him, or... Loving him. I promised never to fall inlove cause of my mother leaving, and my father having to go from scratch. The teach was teaching about the reproductive system, which never grossed me out, but certain kids just shivered, and nearly threw up. I just chuckled, but I somehow managed to look at Silver, who was now in the empty seat next to me, who wasn't disgusted at all! 'Huh, hes got some balls with not being weirded out,' I thought. But that just led him to stare at me back, I kinda was shocked at what he was doing, just staring at me, but his Golden Eyes were what was drawing me to a fantasy that I dont even know how I came to that moment. But as soon as the teach was passing our last tests back in. Alot of kids had D's and C's, but I got an A. "Of course," I thought out loud, which I didnt care. I felt a poke on my forearm, which was where Silver was at, he was staring at me, but this time, I found him blushing lightly, which was cute~, "Hey! What did you get that made you say that, you get an F, or something?" Silver whispered, I shook my head, "Nope, I have at least some brains in this class," I showed him my A paper. He looked shocked, but well, who cares what others think of you. "Thats amazing! Your smarter than the kid in the front," he said pointing to my girly classmate, he names Veronica Almina, shes an out of country student, namely a foreign student. Silver was right, she got an F- in the test. I'm suprised she even got an F namely. She has always been a B+ student, I guess the test was hard on her small brain. I just chuckled at it, and said, "If you get an A like I do in the test coming up, you can hang with me and my Twin sister, so, whats it gonna be?" I whispered, only for me and him to hear. He hummed, thinking of an answer, and looked at me with a smirk, 'ok, thats cute,' I thought. "Alright, your on," he answered my question, and continued smirking, like a cute guy he is. But I felt a stare from beyond the classroom. I looked and  growled, Silver looked at me confused and then looked at the direction I was staring and growling. "Tony!" I growled silently at his name and him. He had that look of, 'if you touch her, I kill you with my bare hands,' look, but I have known Tony long enough, hes a bastered for a Mobian. Class was dismissed, and my twin came to my side as I was leaving the dismissed class. "So~?" She cooed, looking at me. I stared at her, dumbfounded, but intrigued at what she asked. "What, you baka?" I asked, me and my twin have a signal of saying, and yes calling her an idiot, your a moron, but I love you, kinda thing. She looked pleased, but smirked at what I asked. "Do you have a crush on someone~?" She asked, but my face turned red, redder than a cherry tomatoe, bleeding out its contents. I looked away and pouted at the wall, "I do NOT have a Crush," I said pouting, but I also knew who she was talking about, and yes, a punk, tomboy, rich girl, snooty nose, street fighter, and a smart girl who has a crush on Silver The Hedgehog, it sounds ridiculous, I know, but I do remember the movie, Beauty and The Beast, so, I guess I'm the beast, and hes the Beauty. Wow, complicated position, huh?

   To Be Continued...

Yos! Its me, Im both KatherinOtaku108, but in this, im SilversGirl108. I do luv~ Silver, but im just putting out, its just something i didnt even write, not even in my KatherinOtaku108 story, lol. But I really do like people who are nicer than me, and im rly srry that there r cussings in this, but tbh, thats also how i cussed in Elementary school abd middle school. Lol, and partially Highschool. 😁 I hope yall like the story, and the next story, is something special. But i rly do luv my friends out there, and my followers on KatherinOtaku108s account. But heres something i think will help yall with the story in this chapter. 😁😁

I also love this song, but ill let yall have the idea...
Arigato Gozaimasu
SilversGirl108 out!!!

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