Chapter 4. The Final Challenge

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   Sonica's POV
   Hey, I also just wanted to admit, now that I've been rethinking about how my hearts going, I may have a crush on the Albino Hedgehog. Yes, I am in love, but dont get excited, ok? I rather not answer any questions. But, today is the day, that our challenge will decide between him going to hang, and not hanging with us. But, I'd rather him hanging with us, at least me. But, I dont know what will be in store.
    Class starts in 15 minutes, and I'm just with my twin. "Hey, sis. Sorry you almost flipped on Friday," said my twin, I sympathize with. "Nah, it's fine. To be honest, I didnt expect Silver to sing like he did. Boy does he have a voice. It's kinda hot," I said outloud, also thinking out loud, but only allowing my twin to hear and understand. She nodded, and smiled like the preppy girl she is. She's better than most of the preppy girls here in this rotten hell hole. Here in this school, you'd have to be mean and rotten, but not my sister. She knows better than that. She respects people without any question what so ever. "Hey! Look out!" Yelled the orange-ish fox, his plane was gonna hit us, but I grabbed it before it his my sister. He ran over to us, "Sorry, I didn't mean to-" he was interrupted by my expression, I wasnt mad luckly, but it made him startled. I was smiling, to be honest. He cleared his throat and reapologized again, "Sorry, I didn't mean to almost hit your sister," he said sadly. I sighed, and held his shoulder, and said in a calm voice. " It's fine, really," I showed his undestroyed plane in my hand, "Here! Take it, it is yours after all, isnt it?" I asked, he stared at me blankly. I could understand why, I used to bully him  Cause I thought he wouldn't make it in life, and he wasn't strong enough. But, he grabbed his plane from my hand and thanked my kindness. I was actually in a good mood. So I was felt generous. He ran off to continue working on his plane. The bell had rung after the kid left on working on his plane for 5 minutes. I went to my class, and my twin went to hers. Silver was in the class, reviewing his review. I sat in my assigned seat, and said hi to Silver, "Oh! Hey Sonica, sorry, didn't notice you there," he said shyly, rubbing the back of his head. I smiled and giggled, "Nah, I expected this much. Ready for that test?!" I said encouragingly and excited to challenge him. Silver nodded in response, I, of course had my little Genki smile going, was excited enough, I wanted the Biology class to start.

   Silvers POV
  #~After the test~#
    Sonica was the first to finish, she thinks a lot harder than the students in our class. I think I was fifth, but I know I was closer to the 'I am finished' rank. I didnt expect Sonica to almost freak about her twin getting hurt. But, what else could I do? I literally was gonna hold her, but I guess she didnt think I'd sing. (A/N Angel's, I will not deny that he is my Albino Angelic Hedgehog. 😇😇😇 I'm getting off topic, but I wanted to put that out there... 😅) I didn't want her to get her father for what he did, really! I remembered a kid who would literally be an angel, but a she-devil when tempted. (A/N notice any difference~? 😏) But, I haven't seen her since I had to move cause my father wanted us to go around the world. I will admit, I had a childish crush, but that was years ago. My cousin Sonic really wanted me to find her, like he found Amy! (A/N sorry again, but I respect Sonamy, not Sonally, idk why, but I dont feel like their legitimate, see what I mean. So if you are a Sonally fan, then you can hate me, I'd understand it... have a great day~!!! 💜) She'd at least be better than his ex really. Amy cooks, clean, will literally spoil Sonic with hugs, and so on, so forth. Y-you'll get the idea. But, I may have found my legitimate mate. But, that's cause she's strong, understandable, willing to protect, even someone who was close. She might look like a thug, but really. I can see she's a softy. She made me feel right at home in this wacked up town. She'll smile, and oh boy, can she literally make her own meals. But, she respects people, even herself. Sorry, I'm rambling. "Ok, class... I'll be turning in your tests," yelled the bio-teacher, well a sub, Mrs. Tigger isnt here today. But this sub, I hate it on how he stares at Sonica. Everytime I look up, he stares directly at Sonica. Every. Single. Time. But, I guess I wont worry, for now anyways. We've got our tests and I got an A, "Yes!" I whispered out loud. So pumped that I got an A. Sonica, of course, got an A. She just chuckled at her test, this isn't new. I giggled, "You got an A?" Sonica asked. I just nodded. Happy I'll be at least hanging out with her. She smiled, she just smiled, for until it got awkward and we both looked away. I know I was a red cherry tomato. But I didnt dare look back at her, I was kinda embarrassed, but at least I know how I feel about her.

   Sonica's POV

   Oh no! I was staring into Silvers eyes like I was being hypnotized by a Beautiful Angelic being! My face is red! I feel like I'm in front of an Open fire! I feel dizzy, and now...
It's all so black, and dark... and I feel so cold, like the cold, hardened tile... wait! Do I feel some sort of warmth... I'm scared to wake up, but I'm also tempted to look, but I'll wait till I feel safe. But, I do feel safe... Wait, I'm cold, but with some sort of bedding this time. And almost warm, almost warm enough to not shake. And a warm, safe hand. Like I could wake up and see he or she making me feel safe, and warm, and comfortable. Nothing else matters, just feeling safe. Matters... I'm starting to not have that heavy eyes feeling anymore. Should I wake up? Or do I pretend to sleep? I start to open my eyes, only looking up the infirmary's ceiling. I hear, a light noise, like their sleeping, on my left, next to me. I turned my head, blushing a bright red when I saw who it was... it was...

I might as well put in a good cliffhanger, even though I hate it... 😑 but enough of that, I hoped you like the story this far, I'm really imaginative rn, even though its art class... I just finished doing one layer, so I'm waiting till it dries off a little to continue. But I am drawing a concept of Sonica, but in my image. Lol...
SilversGirl108 and KatherinOtaku108
OUT~!!! ありがとござます~ ^^

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