Chapter 7. The Occupied Crush

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    Sonica's POV

   It's been three days since the fight, and to be honest, I thought everyone in my group was hurt. But, to my amazement, only Knuckles got hurt. He's only got a fucking bruise! At least I didn't have to bring my first aid kit with me. But, the gang, including Sonic and Silver, stayed over for three days. They needed some good ole aristocracy attention I still laugh on that name. It's just now morning, and me and Silver were awake. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I suddenly had an achy feeling about today. I dont know what it is, but it's making even my sleeping hours late! "Hey Sonica?" Silver asked, we were watching TV in my Video Room, to be honest, it just involves with video games, that's why it's called a Video Room. "Yeah Silv?" I replied back, looking at him, curiously. Silver turned around to face me, "Sonica, I uh... heh, I just feel..." He stuttered, I know he's trying to find the words, but he may have lost it. I sighed, looking at him. "Hey, Silv?" I ask, wanting him to think about the words in his head. Silver looked as soon as I said his name in a question form. I wish I could ask him if he's well, trying to find the words, but I suddenly drew a blank. "N-Never mind it, Silv. It was nothing," I said, trying to also help him, but in a way, I was trying to finish my own sentence. Silver looked at me, curiously. But then smiled, I looked at him, and suddenly, I wanna protect him. Something breaks my father's side of the house, "Wait! What's going on?" I asked out loud, wanting my answer immediately. I raced over to my father side, and saw my father holding Serenity's quils. My heart dropped. He looked at me, "Where is the boy?" He asked, demanding something, or someone. I didnt know what he ment, until my father had that, aha! Moment. It's like he found what he was looking for.
   Once I turned around, I saw what my fathers aha look was about. He was staring at Silver. Silver The Hedgehog, my cute friend, "Silver, I'd like to talk to you, now!" Dad yelled, I was planning on punching him, "Dad, let my sister go, and leave Silver alone... NOW!" I yelled, almost making the house echo. It scared me, because I was afraid Shadow, Maria, Rouge, Knuckles, or Silvers cousin, Sonic would hear it. My father stared at me, and let my twin go, "Dont you DARE yell at me. Got me, little girl?" I froze, not moving. I didn't care if I yelled loud, I only care that somebody will storm at this side and punch him.
But, might as well grab my sister and Silver and get them out of this side. I picked up my sister and got Silver out, went over to my side of the house. I got my sister to our bed, Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, and Maria went into our room. "Is everything all right, doll?" Rouge asks, worryingly. I just stared at were my sister is laying, now that I see her closely. Shes been bruised, almost like she was fighting for herself and all. I gritted my teeth, but then...

Sorry I haven't been active in this, but I might discontinue it for a while. I just dont have that feeling anymore. And since Summer is almost here, t thought I could some asks for the Sonic The Hedgehog characters... so when I do bring in the thingy... I hope you'll ask me and do random things to them! And if youd want a Sonadow thing~... 😏
I'm the best link ya'll got! ^^

Sonica The Hedgehog  X Silver The HedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now