Chapter 3. The Love Sick Hedgehog

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Sonica's POV
After I got home, my father wasn't there, 'Great,' I thought to myself. Just needing my father to at least be here at a time like this. It's been 3 days since the Accident, and as soon as the incident happened, my father was there, but made sure we were ok. Namely me. My Twin Serenity, was on her way in, I had asked Silver if he'd like to study with me, he's still new. So I offered to help him. I just hope he gets to understand the assignments. Silver was gonna be here at 04:20 to 04:30 PM, so we both can get a head start. I still haven't asked my twin yet, but I'm still planning on it.

Silvers POV
=#durning school#=
I was packing up to head home, and Sonica came up to me, "Hey, wanna come over and study? I might as well, so you can catch up, somewhat." She asked, I just stared at her. She was the first person to actually help me with Tony the other day, and my first friend here. I'm mostly weak, but I can hold myself into a fight. She could possibly hold herself and beat others Asses, I just nodded. "Great, sometime around 04:00-04:30PM?" She asked, I smiled in response. My mother hated me, my father wanted me to find someone, who is able to protect herself, and protect me. (A/N just a small spoiler btw 😆) Sonica Giggled and smiled. I like it when she smiles. It just makes me feel at ease.

Silver's POV
=#present time#=
When I got to her house, I wasn't sure if I was at the right house. I rang the doorbell...



It rang in my ear, I covered them after hearing the first Ding. I'm surprised they don't get an Ear rape. Someone answered the door, "Hello?" Said a Male, Gray Hedgehog. I just stared at him, "Hi, I'm Silver. Is Sonica home?" He said nothing until he turned around, with the door opened. He yelled out saying, 'sis!' And allowing the voice to echo. Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Then echoed more coming towards me. "Sorry about my little brother, he-" she stopped with her explanation about her brother, but... 'wow she looks beautiful,' I thought. Sonica has a black, leathered, steam punk jacket, with a hot pink shirt, blue pants, and knee high boots. She also had some makeup on. I think I'm seriously in love with her.

  Sonica POV
  Silver was here! Why didn't Jackie say anything!!! But, damn he's hot! I lost my train of thought. Silver has, a white and blue light jacket, with blue Jeans, and black, white, and blue boots. The design on his shirt, was like his symbol on his gloves, but stretched across his shirt. I stared at him blankly when I snapped out of it, "Do you wanna, uh... come inside?" I asked nervously and laughed lightly. A small sweat dropped from my left side of my face. "Yeah! Yeah we better get ready for that test, right?" He answered back with a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his head. He came inside, "Wooow~!" He said in awe-ment. "You seriously do live like an aristocrat!" He said, but I looked down, in sadness. 'I didn't think he'd actually come,' I thought to myself. He must've seen me look down upset, he put his hand onto my shoulder and spoke something with a calming voice, "hey, don't be afraid, I never met someone who is like you, your awesome!" He said encouragingly. I looked up from the last word, I thought I was crying, but I wasnt. Luckly.

~♡upstairs 15 minutes later♡~

   Sonica POV
   We made it to the studies and started on our homework. Silver kept on looking around during our breaks, I looked at him, WAIT! I'm not! in love with Silver, sure I like him, but... but... I kept on thinking, 'what exactly am I to him?' I thought. I looked up from my thoughts and Silver was right in front of me! I yelped from that and fell from my seat. He looked at me and got to my left side, worried. "Hey! You alright?!" He asked, helping me up. "Yeah, but you scared me, why?" I asked, just confused. He blushed pink around his muzzle, "Oh! Well um... ehehe, I was wondering what you were thinking, I've never seen you think like that, before," he said while rubbing the back of his quils. 'Damn, I want his cute loli side,' I thought to myself. I felt my face start to heat up and looked the opposite way so he didnt see my blush forming on my muzzle. He tried to look, but I kept on looking the other way. Someone knocked on the door, "come in!" I said, the door opened and creaked. It was my twin, Serenity. "What do ya need, sis?" I asked, she looked at me, while tearing up, I almost jumped out of my skin. Serenity raced to me and hugged me while crying. "You ok!? What's wrong?! Did someone hurt you?! I'll kill them! But, are you alright?!" I asked panicked, Serenity only cries if something happened, she cries about a boy, I'd beat his ass. If some girl dissed her, I'd ruin her reputation for that. I know everyone's secrets, even Silvers, well... sorta. Serenity cried until I calmed her down with Silvers help. "What's wrong sis?" I asked calmly, but quietly. She sniffles before answering, "daddy hurt me, sis!!!" She continued crying, while I was stunned. My face was dead, like I died. I bowed my head, and rubbed my sisters back. I was shushing her calmly. She knows I'm very protective. VERY. But, Silver... I heard a tune I haven't heard in so long, it reminded me, of an old friend.

By the end, I was moved, so was my sister. My heart had a huge, THUMP in it. My heart, it was just yearning, for something, no wait... its yearning for him. For Silver. I teared up, and a drop of tear slid down my face. It was so beautiful, I thought he was that little kid I was friends with years ago. My sister stopped crying to hear Silvers Angelic Voice. She recognized the voice, but from who, or where?
To be continued...

OOF! Is this Sonica's childhood friend? Or is this Sonica's first love? Or both!!! Stay tuned!!!
SilversGirl108 and KatherinOtaku108 out!!! 😁

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