Chapter 8. The Story Telling

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    A/N OOF! I've been getting busy lately. But just informing my readers here. Ok, my job interview was supposed to be sometime this week, but they haven't even called me. So I'm gonna be a YouTuber soon, if they don't call me between today and tomorrow, then that's what's gonna be happening. Not my fault I made a crappy resume, I was still learning. But I might Discontinue it, Considering my Sonic The Hedgehog x Kill La Kill x Sonic/Kill La Kill OC has been getting more views than this and my other one. So this is gonna be my last Chapter, but once it gains more views, then I'll make other Chapters, but that's all I'm gonna do, really. Thanks for reading this, and hope for my job success... ^^ ps the reason why I've been impatient is because I've been waiting patiently for a literal 2 weeks. So I'm not gonna wait any longer. They can Suck it... 

    Sonica's POV

    I've been asked if I was alright. Only Silver saw, no one else, so... "The old man hurt Serenity," I was breathing irregularly, Silver somehow calmed me down. The gang just had the expression on their faces as if I was hurt. I could understand in a sensible way. "I don't know how it started, but it even made Sonica mad," Silver stated, still shushing me to calm down. I know I was shaking violently, but then... "Sonica!!!" A loud yell could be heard across the house. The gang stood back, away from the door. Silver had the same stance as the others had. But protecting me instead. Then the bedroom door violently opened, showing an angry father, showing nothing but malice. I was freaking out, Silver still protecting me, knowing how I look, I must look pathetic from my father and the others. I hated being the Damsel in Distress. But, how Silver was protecting me... made me feel... Special... Silver had that brave face, staying into his position, giving him the warning glare. Something I did when... Wait...? Is he...? No he cant be... He's my... "Sonica! Get over here, Right Now!" Yelled my father. It also broke out of my thoughts. My irregular breathing became more rapid than most. I didn't have my cooping mechanisms with me on hand. Since my phone was in the other side if the room. I didn't have anything to help me calm down. Yeah, I'm more than just scared. When your father scares you, do you just quiver in fear of how he'll act upon you? Don't you wish to find out the reason why your scared, and the reasons why you were even born to begin with? I couldn't even move until he stormed right to me. Silver blocking his path, hoping to slow him down and make him stop. But I guess that wasn't the case. But... He hit... Him... Suddenly, my instincts went into over drive, not to protect my little sister Serenity, not my dignity. But for... Silver...  My childhood friend.  I pulled my knife from my pockets, and guess what I had done...? I had, Killed, my father. The only man to have let all of us live with him with only simple rules. But guess what that had made me feel? It made me feel, good! I loved killing him suddenly! It felt like, I needed more, and more! Why is that? I just continuously stabbed the living shits out of him. With every stab would make more crimson liquid, and to top it all off, I felt like I showed him how I have been feeling all these years! But, may I tell you a story before I continue, to not 'scare' you anymore?

   Here it is~

   There once lived a happy couple, who had two, adorable twins. In fact, they were thrilled! But, they weren't, happy with each other. But hoped the twins were happy! So, they both met up with old 'Acquaintances' from in their earlier childhood. But, none had a single child of their own, but one. Let's give him a name... we'll call him... Rozu (Rose in Japanese btw ^^). He was just the sweetest kid the couple had ever met! So, they set up a play-date with him and their twins. The eldest twin was protecting her younger twin, out of self defense. But when they got to meet Rozu, the eldest twin was amazed at his 'fur' color. A pure white 'fur' to be exact. Not even the younger twin knew, her older twin, had fallen for him. But played with them none the less. The eldest just simply, was happier than her younger twin, but... The day came, when they were 9 years old. Rozu had to tell the twins that he and his family had to move, but the eldest twin didn't want him to. So, she started saying things like, 'you could come and stay with us!' But he said he couldn't, and the twins knew he couldn't. But, the eldest was having problems, along with her younger twin. The couple were going at it like cats and dogs! But when Rozu left, three days after, their parents, the once happy couple, had to split. Neither twin wanted to stay with their mother, because of how the rumors of her having an affair with one of the workers, had made it to the twins' ears. So, they neither saw, or heard from Rozu, ever again. Not ever wanting to 'talk' to their mother. 

   This is the story of how, tragedy, fear, abandoning, and the long lost childhood friend, that was supposedly forgotten, inside the twins memories.

    But, now that the story has ended, I finally have it all, out of my chest. And now... I feel like my Silver, is gonna be glad, and happy. But upset that I had killed my own flesh and blood, but... Who gives a Flying Fucki-doodle-doo!

  OOF! This story made ya thing otherwise in the beginning, am I right?! XD This IS a Yandere Story, so... hm... Nothing to it! I can somewhat relate to Sonica, so there isn't any problems! Plus, I might be a Yandere myself. But! I'm more different than you'd think! But I think I did well on this story. If not, please comment, so I can get better, please? If you think I'm all good, then like it please!!! 



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