Chapter 9. Blood, 666

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   A/N Heya! It's Kitty-ChanTheOCMaker here! Yes I changed my name, but there is a reason, but I ain't gonna say. I have an announcement, I might, MIGHT be doing more stories like this. I'm pretty happy, even though I got some homework... XD

   Silver's POV♡♡♡

   Sonica just, killed her dad! I'm kinda scared about any one of us. But the others seemed unfazed,"W-Wha-" I was interrupted when Rouge commented, "Sonica? You get that out of your system?" I was purely shocked, who would've thought that Rouge, out of all people, would say something like that! Shadow looked at me and walked over to me, while Sonica was giggling somewhat. Sonic, was just blank, no expression, no words, nothing! "If your wondering why we're not fazed, then look over to Sonica," Shadow said, having an unexpressed feature onto his face and having the mono toned sound come out. I was kinda scared, but once I looked closely, I could see she was smiling and... Crying? Sonica does not cry! I've known her that long and I still couldn't believe she would turn out like this! "Hey, uh-" Sonica looked at me as I was approaching her. She had a doll like expression. Dull, and lifeless. My eyes widened, 'Is she alright?' I thought, so I could see closely. But, I kinda feel... happy? I don't know, anymore.

    Sonica's POV

    Wait, is Silver looking at me?! Did I do something wrong?! He's looking at me like I'm a monster, or is it a concerned face? I don't know, and I don't wanna! I look back down at my fathers lifeless body and blinked at it.
    But then... I felt warm arms wrapping around my waist. I looked back, trying not to blush, I think I failed while at it. As soon as I looked closely, I saw Silver, holding me. "Sonica, please... don't do anything like this ever again!" I was shocked, and I felt myself getting back to normal. I started crying as soon as I heard him say that. I turned around and started bawling, and saying that I was sorry, not to my father, but for Silver. I was scared someone might reject me.
    I remembered him and I, playing hide and seek. And when he got scared, I'd protect him. I would also kill animals who'd frightened him. Even people if I can remember correctly. I must've been... a Yandere for so long, I felt crushed when he had to leave a few years back. Can someone tell me why I'm a monster? Why do I hurt people and any living being? Why? ... Why?

   Ayyyyyyyyy! This is a good ending to this story! I'm glad I did this, because I've been wanting to write, and didnt get the chance until now! If ya wanna read my other books, then go right on ahead! No it's not Discontinued, but it's fully completed... I didnt wanna go any further than just this. XD


Sonica The Hedgehog  X Silver The HedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now