Chapter 2. The Accident

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    Sonica's POV
     While I was waking up because of my brothers playing tag in the house, even though their thirteen years old. Which, they are boys, so I just gave up. I was getting up to get ready, like usual, I'll have my Purple studded jacket, but this time, I'll have my white T-shirt with my Navy blue pants, white socks, and black leathered boots. My twin and I share a room like most twins, my twins name is Serenity, me and her are more and more closer because of our mother leaving us behind to be with another 'man', ha! He was a wimp who, I hope, died. My triplet brothers are named Jackal, Jack, and Jackie, they are what most people call them, the Jackal and Hydes Triplets. I think its nice to have at least one thing, because they have a tendacy to well, destroy private property while getting away with it. Another reason as to why their called The Jackal and Hydes Triplets, because they might be angels at first, but their personalitys are a different story all together. But I absolutely Looooove my little triplet brothers cause of it.
    Serenity was already downstairs eating breakfast, she knows I dont really like waking up in the mornings. I put up my quils into an edgy look, and my long quils are still the same. I raced downstairs when I was finished getting ready, my brothers, my twin, and... Whoa!? My fathers down here for once, maybe he needs to talk to us about things, like hows your school been, and whats your grades, and so on, so forth. I sat next to my twin who was three seats to the right of our father, and my little brothers were wrestling like morons at the table. "Alright boys," said father, we had to deal with our mother since she left, she wasnt a good wife, but she was a really good mother, teaching us
Right from wrong. She used to make me laugh all the time, but I guess me and my twin were her personal faves, but now I regret being her favorite because of it. "Yes father," the triplets answered, sounding sad in synch. Father sighed and stared at me with a curious face, "Sonica," father asked. I looked at father when I was about to eat my french toast, I answered, "Yes father?" He looks at me, with both of his hands under his chin, but maybe enough to see his entire pinky's and his knuckled pinky. "May I ask you, what are you wearing?" He asked curiously, but cautious enough to not bug me with that question. I answered while looking at my clothing, "Its just more comfortable while I wear dark and light clothings," I looked back, with my father just staring at me with a questionable expression. But I just shrugged it off and continued eating my french toast.
    My twin and I were the first to finish our breakfast. My triplet brothers were still messing around with each others breakfast's, but father didnt mind it. It was the day since four days ago that the bet would be confirmed, the bet when Silver and I had made. I played my favorite anime which was always calming, even though its scary.

I couldnt help it while im on my way to school in the bus, now, I have never minded commoners buses, because their quite moronic and idiotic all at once, which is the most funniest thing to watch, especially when theres a fight, they always pick fights with each other to show their 'dominance' to who is their opponent and who is their 'crush'. But its namely Tony and some kids who do so while Im playing my favorite tracks on my phone. But this time, I didnt expect Silver to be in this bus, and to be honest, neither did Tony, but he saw where he was sitting and guess who he came by to? "Hey Sonica, eheh," he nervously giggled and rubbed the back of his quils. I pulled my earphone out of one ear, and asked if he wanted to sit here, "Oh! Sure, thanks Sonica," he said cheerfully, 'hes so fucking adorable!' He sat right next to me and we both started talking, "Hey uh, Sonica," he asked, starting up the conversation. "Hm? Whats up?" I asked, kinda shy, but not enough to show him that I am, "Whats your family life like?" He asked, his head slid to his sholder in the most cutest way possible, but I was shocked, worst than you'd like to think, but I put my head onto the back seat infront of me, and answered the best I could without punching someone, "My family life, isnt pretty. I grew up without a mom, cause she left us for one of my father servants, and I have a step brother, a twin sister, triplet brothers, and a single father, because my step mom died from cancer two to three years back. And I might be rich, but to me, Im poor, in a way, too." I held onto my left forearm for comfort, and continued, "After my mother left, I started evolving from a sweet and innocent little girl, into a monster who cant hold in a single punch into someones throat. But alas," I sighed, looking out my window to look at the fast, moving vehical moving fast, but I noticed something. I look at the front, but the bus drivers head was dangling, I gasped, and jumped from my seat which was all the way to the back, and crawled myself up to the front, and tried to find a switch to stop this bus, but I managed to find it, and pulled it. The bus stopped at a screeching halt. Between the intersection of M-66 and Serebrum Road, was almost into a crash, but no one got hurt in the process. Everybody just looked at each other, and Silver just came up to me and hugged me, trying to make sure I was ok, "Sonica!" He yelled, literally almost broke my ear drums, "What?" I yelled back and he stopped hugging me and searched what was infront of me, and sighed in relief, 'no way! No one has cared about me before, so... why now?' I thought to myself, clueless as I'll ever be. But he was the only person who freaked about me, the rest didnt care exept for their lives. After I opened the door, and all of the students ran to the side, while I got the bus driver out, somehow, his head was knocked and almost killed him in the process. I still don't know who, or what hit him, but it was enough power to knock the bus drivers socks off. But, all of the policemen came, with three cop cars, two or three ambulances, and one fire truck. They asked all of us some questions. I, of course tell the truth to cops, unless I committed a crime, then I'll lie. The policemen got to Silver, and something made me feel, upset and protective. Silver looked at me, to reassure me. But I still feel protective, and yet I smiled. Am I, am I in love... nah, I can't be. I'd have to find out when I even see Serenity. I'm just gonna have to wait till then.

Yo! SilversGirl108 here! I wanted to put out there that, I try and come to this account. But this one has reasons. Lol, but hey, Happy Easter and April Fools day!!! 😁😁😁💜

SilversGirl108, Out!

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