Chapter 10. The future...

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      Heya! It's me Kitty-ChanTheOCMaker here! I have an announcement to tell you! I'm planning on writing an Emerald The Hedgehog OC along with the Characters of Sonic and the gang. Now, you might be confused as to why I'm announcing it here and not on the Announcement section? Welp! This story is also... connected to my OC's. But as of right now, I'm writing the very last Chapter of, Sonica The Hedgehog X Silver The Hedgehog. If you want idea's as to who Emerald is, then go to my 'Learn About Kitty-ChanTheOCMaker!' And check her out! Here we go!

    Sonica's POV

    Holy! I'm with someone who never left my side after 5 years! Since my fathers passing, Silver- Who is now a husband and a loving father, yes! I know right?! -never once left my side. He helped me along with Serenity. He even asked us if we could stay! I want going against his parents wishes, but I told him to talk it out with his folks.  Soon, they allowed it! I was so relieved, that after I saw Silver at home, I jumped him and hugged him! My breasts kinda smooshed his face though. My fault, I didn't realize that I had jumped him that high. But right now, I'm living the moment with two boys and one little girl. The boys names are Blue, and Skye. And the little girl is named Juvia. After a Fairy Tail character name. But Silver is playing with all three, nothing made my life sad after they were both born. They're actually my pride and joy!
But all will go well and end well. Am I right?

Sonica The Hedgehog  X Silver The HedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now