Chapter 6. The Fight of Two Monsters...

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   A/N... I'm done... I think I've figured out why I'm writing more now... I was mad at my 'Stepfather' and still wanna kick his ass... but I'm plotting... lol and I'm also mad about other things, and I guess writing this, watching anime, reading in my wattpad/Manga's, and playing music is better. Btw I'm not doing them all, all at once... that'd be weird... 😅😅😅
... welp! Let's get through the story~!!! *giggles nervously*... 😅

   Sonica's POV

   I was finally calming down from crying my brains off, Silver Shushed for me to calm down. Gadget was kneeling down in front of me, rubbing my knees, "You calm now?" Asked Silver, who held onto me. I nodded, finishing my crying fit. Silver was so considerate, that I'm feeling like my heart is beating so much faster, faster than I'd thought. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Said Jackel, hes one of my triplet brothers. He raced over to the door. As soon as Jackel opened the door, "*Gasps* Mr. Knuckels! Ms. Rouge!!!" He said excitedly. I looked up, just to be sure the idiotic Triplets didnt prank us. As soon as I saw someone coming in, I smiled and gasps happily, "Knucks! Rouge!" I yelled out, getting up slowly, walking over to them. "Hey their Sonica! I heard from a little birdy that your planning on beating the bully?!" He said as I high fives him. Rouge saw my tear bags, "Awe~ sweety, did you cry cause of what's going on?" Asked Rouge, I shook my head, "No? Then why?" Asked the huge bahimath, I smiled, "Just things," I responded. Rouge and Knuckles stared at each other, then back to me. They didnt pester me with anymore of those questions, and the door rang again after 15 minutes. Of course Silver and Sonic gotten an Ear rape. Well, actually it's just the bell ringing, making people think its ment to kill their ears, but really, it's to scare the intruders. I walked over to the front door, "Hey Sonica," said my best friend Shadow, Ms. Maria was coming in along with the ebony hedgehog. I've been best friends with Shadow since my old friend moved away seven years ago. He stayed by my side, so I wouldn't feel alone, along with his little sister Maria, which I call her Ms. Maria. The guys greeted each other, and met the two new additions to the group. I will admit, Shadow and Sonic didnt like each other. But, sees each other as, 'acquaintances', but Sonic and Knuckles got along just fine. Silver just laughed with the girls, and with the guys when they needed him about something. "Ready you guys?!" I yelled encouragingly, hoping their on board. All of them said yeah and Hell yeah! We were on our way, getting into the limo, Sonic had his jaw opened again, it almost made me laugh. We all got our equity ready, like gloves, our jerseys, our 'fun' weapons. Which is the same thing as, using bats, fighting gloves, steel boots, the whole 50 yard. Not as bad as the 100 yards, but not as pretty as how I'll beat Tony's ass. "Hey, Sonica?" Asked Rouge, I looked from finishing up with my equipment, "What happened?" I stared at her, blinking until I laughed, "Let's be honest, it's an act of war," I said, trying not to continue laughing, "But, let's just say, he threw something at me, which was supposed to hit Silver..." I explained, without skipping the good parts. They looked at each other after I finished, and ready to bust his head. (Ps wanted to say, 'bust some nuts' but didnt want yall to laugh like how badly I was laughing... 😂)

  @~The area of fighting~@
   Third person POV

   Sonica and the gang met up at the battle field, ready to finish this, once and for all. Tony and his gang is ready, too. "Yo! Sonica!" Yelled Tony, who went up front. Sonica went around but also stood up front, "Yeah!? What do you want, you monster?!" Sonica asked, answering his question. "How about we make a deal! Huh?!" Tony responded, smirk with an idea all over his mind. Sonica looked at him curiously, "What kind of bet?" Yelled Sonica, asking him. Tony smirked, all across the face, "How about this! If I win, I get you! What do you want in return?" Asked Tony, responding to Sonica's question. Sonica's eyes widened, the gang got disgusted by Tony's bet. "Heh, how about this. If I'd win, which I will, I want you to~..." Sonica trailed off, thinking, "Oh! How about, you wear a dress, all of you by the way, and by the end of this semester, I want you to drop out of school, and out of my sight, got me?!" Sonica yelled, placing her bet. She smirked, like an evil woman, the group was amazed by Sonica's boldness, and laughed at the thoughts about them wearing dresses, mainly the guys. "Heh, fair. Mines big, so you added your big, plus bigger, hmmmm~" Tony checked her out, along with his gang. Sonica got sick of his bullcrap, she took the first move, Sonica raced, and one of his guys charged at her. He almost cut her arm, only a scrape, but enough for it to bleed. But, Sonica turned around and kicked his ass without fail. Knuckles just laid one punch on the guys face without breaking a sweat. "Com'mon Sonica! You can do better than that!" Knuckles exclaimed, he had a I'm done face. Rouge just giggled. The rest of Tony's gang raced towards Sonica, and Sonica's group raced to save Sonica so she doesn't blow up, Knuckles got to one of Tony's strong 'man'(?) And punched him, while the other punched back, both pretty much evenly matched. Rouge kicked a females but, twice. Shadow  both protecting Ms. Maria, and kicking ass. (Ps. I will admit, since Maria died in SonicX, then I'll contribute this part for shadie... ^^ hope she likes the idea in Anime Heaven!) And both Sonic and Silver beat them with baseball bats, and punching when one lost that weapon of choice. Even though Sonica forbid it, they begged during the ride. Serenity moved swiftly, like a butterfly, but hit like 100 men hit them, almost. Sonica, was face to face with the walking ballooned wolf, (ps I forgot to add what he is... sorry... 😅) Sonica growled, almost making the threatening glare, almost look like she was gonna massacre him. Tony hmph for a split second and raced to Sonica, but two feet away, he jumped, that's right, he jumped, hes going to land on top of her! Oh wait, shes been through this. Why was I even worried. She moved to the side, quick enough, enough for him to fall flat. Sonica poked him with her bat. Hoping he wasnt still conscious. She sighed, happy she didnt get hit and he didnt wake up. Everybody stared, some yelled out for Tony to wake up, and some ran. Sonica and the gang won, and felt happy, and relieved that the worse is over.

How did you like this? I'm just wondering, cuz I felt like I'm doing horribly. Dont ask, just my gut feeling... and yes I was gonna type up, 'Bust some nuts' dont ask, I'm weird that way. ^^ but I am a perv, so dont ask. And i didnt add a lot of "good" violence, cuz tbh I forgot how it felt punching people, dont ask, I was a huge trouble maker. Lol 😆 but I have so many accounts, I'll post them on my Conversation board. Have fun~ oh! And send me the info of your guys social media, please? I dont want to freak out cuz people are stalking me, k? I don't want dem feeling~!!! 😂 sorry, had to be funny...
SilversGirl108 + KatherinOtaku108 out!!! ^^

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