Chapter 5. Silver's Protection...

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   A/N hey~ I'm in the 449 Ranking~ that's better than I'd thought! I guess I'm more detailed than I thought! Whohooooo~!!! That's so cool~!!! Maybe I should make a special, maybe... 🤔 I'll think about it as I'm writing... 😅
And my Sinior friends are leaving me~!!! TT I'll make a contribution for them, then... ^^ have a great day~!!! 💜💜💜💜💜

   Sonica's POV

    I saw Silver, next to me, sleeping. I blushed madly red as I'm watching him sleep, I breathe calmly, just watching him sleep next to me, his head resting on his arms, while his arms are on top on the infirmary's bedding. I gazed as his sleepy face sleeping, peacefully. I was gonna wake him up, until I heard the nurse come in, with my twin, "Are you alright, Sonica?" The nurse asked, with a concerned voice and look. I nodded, blinking. "What happened to, me?" I asked, my twin walking up to me, I could tell Silver was gonna wake up, Serenity hugging me, tightly. "Silver brought you here, he was out of breath. He ran with you in his arms. He must've passed out next to you, while I was calling your father," she looked at me, with a curious look, "Where is your mother, girls?" I gave her a death glare, but it wasnt for her, it was for my mother, who left me and the rest of us. I calmed down as Silver was waking up. I looked at him, surprised, but still upset the nurse asked. The nurse understood my death glare, and didnt ask again. I'm just happy Silver doesn't know my mother. Silver rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Huh? Sonica! Your awake!!!" He jumped onto me, and hugged me, stopped hugging while checking on me, making sure I'm not hurt. He sighs in relief, I would understand if I got myself into a fist fight, but this? "What's wrong, Silv?" I looked at him, like I was freaked about my mother being home for a bit. "Oh! You dont know?" He asked surprised, "Yeah~? I dont know what's going on?" I looked at him, confused. He looked at me, shocked about my confusion, "Sonica, you got hit by Tony's book, you seriously dont know?" He asked, after explaining why I passed out. 'Well that'd explain why I was surrounded by darkness. Not me panicking, good,' but I got mad, but sighed 'Silver didnt get hit. Tony wouldn't do such a thing, unless he...' I thought of it through, 'He was getting jealous! Ha! Now I'm mad!' I clenched my fist and had an angered face. My twin looked at me, worried, "You ok, sis?" She asked innocently, I snapped out of it and looked at my twin. I calmed down again, and sighed. Looking at both Silver and Serenity, "Hey, guys...?" I asked, leaving them in a cliffhanger. My twin answers, "Yeah?" Silver got closer, wanting to hear it loud and cleared. I sighed, trying to figure my words, "If I get mad, like last time, with Tony. Please, dont hold me back, I have my reasons, please?" I begged again, they both stared at me in both surprise, and scared. I was looking at them in my most scary, but mostly serious expression I have ever done. I was worried, that, even Serenity, might object, "Sure, if you already have things to deal with him, then go ahead!" Said an Unknown voice, Silver looked around faster than me and Serenity, then an Ebony hedgehog, Emerald eyed Male came into the room, "Sonic!" Silver yelled in happiness, 'Who's this guy?' I thought, tilting my head, "Guys! This is my cousin, Sonic The Hedgehog! Wait?! Why are you hear?" He looked at Sonic Surprised, "Well, cause I heard my 'cousin' here moved to his old home! So I wanted to see where and who's friends with him, found out!" He exclaimed happily. Silver, me and Serenity looked at him surprised. Sonic, almost looks identical, but not fully wow you look almost the exactly same! Thing. I could definitely tell them both apart. "Hey, Silv, which one did you meet first?" Asked Sonic, he sounds confident. "Oh! Uh, Sonica's the first friend, AND who stood up to the bully, well, this Tony guy of you heard," he said rubbing the back of his quils. Sonic nodded, "Mhm~ and shes willing to protect, even you. Did you get hit instead of Silver cause of this, 'Tony' guy?" Sonic asked me, I looked at him, shocked. But smiled confidently, "Yeah. I wanna at least let him hang with him, he's actually pretty cool. Even though I have an idea why Tony did that," I said as I'm explaining, "If Tony did that, then he might be jealous of your cousin here, and I'm planning on kicking him in the ass!" I yelled out, not enough to echo throughout the building. 'I love Silver more, though, right?' I thought to myself, "Wow! You got some mouth there, girlie... but I like how you think, same for me and my 'rival'," he said in quotations. "Actually their friends, but act like rivals around other people, get me?" He commented, I nodded, "I know how that feels, but in friendly terms, its like me and Silver. Cant help but tease him, hes a sweetheart," I gloated to Sonic on how I see in both his terms and in mine. He smiled like he was smirking, it's quite cool.

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