Chapter 8

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"It's because they won't want us to waste our time crying for them." Sarada replied bluntly and you wiped the tears that was about to fall down from your eyes.

"O-of course, how could I forget?" You bow down your head so no one could see the pain in your eyes then you change them into a positive one. "Anyways, what are we all doing here?"

"We're gonna have and have some fun. I know there's been a death recently but we're all here to cherish the memory of Inuzuka Kiba and Rock Lee. We all know that they love going to festivals so... we're here to still make their memories alive." Boruto said while giving everyone a dog ear because Kiba loves dog and a green jumpsuit that Lee always wear.

"Are we seriously going to wear that?" Sarada ask and Boruto nod. "I ain't wearing that."

"Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm late." A voice behind you spoke and you immediately recognise the voice.

"Mitsuki! Finally, we've been waiting for ages. Now that everyone is complete, we could all wear this!" Boruto showed the dog ear and green jumpsuit to Mitsuki.

In the end, no one wore the green jumpsuit, except for Metal, but they all wear the dog ear.

In the end, no one wore the green jumpsuit, except for Metal, but they all wear the dog ear

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'Right, Mitsuki was the guy who called the police. He's a great student and he seems to be nice. The question is though, who could be the killer? Right now, right here, all the students in my class are here. Could one of them be the killer? No, it's impossible! They're all at a young age and...' Your thoughts was interrupted when someone tap your shoulder.

You look to your right to see Inojin with a slight worried face.

"Are you alright?" He ask you and you nod.

"Yeah." Your voice was almost in a whisper tone but he still heard it.

"We all miss them, even Metal cried so hard yesterday because his brother died but... he knew Lee won't want him to cry so now his main goal is to make his memories alive. That is why we're all here, this was his idea." Shikadai explained and you nod.

"I see, must have been hard for him." You sigh.

"It was hard for all of us but... that's how life goes right? You were born in this world to do your purpose and then die. That's the life cycle. Wake up, make some memories then leave the Earth." Shikadai joined the conversation while standing next to you.

"Is it okay if we have the first ride with you Y/n?" Inojin ask and all you could do was nod, not really thinking of why they would want to spend time with you.

The three of you made your way to the Ferris wheel. Shikadai bought the tickets and you notice that he bought four tickets instead of three.

"Is someone else going to join us?" You ask and soon the class rep joined the three of you.

"I'm so sorry for taking too long!" The class rep bowed politely and you raise an eyebrow of why she would be there.

"So you won't have to feel uncomfortable since you're the only female here." Shikadai said as if he was reading your mind.

You nod in understanding.

"Hey guys, what's going on here?" Mitsuki appeared out of nowhere and you all look at him.

You didn't know why but butterflies just started flying around your stomach and you couldn't help but stare at the beautiful male in front of you. 

'What am I feeling?' You thought as you started to feel your face heating up.

Mitsuki soon caught you staring and when he did, you immediately looked away.

'Get yourself together Y/n! You can't let a newbie steal your heart! You are the Great and Almighty Y/n! You don't let boys take your heart!' You thought as you regain your composure.

"We're just going to try the Ferris wheel." Shikadai replied while rubbing his head in frustration. "And it's a drag since I don't like Ferris wheel."

"Can I join?" Mitsuki ask.

"S-sorry but there's only a maximum of four people in the Ferris wheel." Sumire replied.

"I see, the I'll talk to you later Y/n." Mitsuki smiled genuinely which made you blush even more.

Soon you, Shikadai, Inojin and Sumire entered the Ferris wheel. When you look out the window, Mitsuki was staring at you as if he was saying 'Your mine' but you didn't pay attention to it since your heart was beating so loud and you were oblivious on noticing it.

"So, straight to the point, what do you know about the deaths of Kiba, Lee and the Principal?" Inojin ask catching you off-guard.

"W-what? What do you mean? I don't know anything about it!" You replied and the three of them look at you.

You were in a hot seat right now and you didn't like it. You know to yourself that you indeed didn't know anything about the death of your friends and the Principal and yet the three of them were accusing you.

"I see, have your dad found anything about their death or whoever the killer may be?" Inojin questioned and you lowered your head.

"N-no... he said he would tell me later after his investigation." You answered.

"Do you have any idea of who may the killer be?" This time, it was Shikadai who ask.

"No..." You said sadly then you said what you have found before. "But... the killer might be one of the students at school or someone who goes to Shippuden academy."

"And why would that be?" Inojin was getting interested at what you were trying to say.

"Because all of the people who died goes in the academy so I assume that the killer is from the academy as well, or someone who knows the academy. I don't know, at least that's what I think." You explain and Shikadai went into his thinking mode by placing his hand under his chin.

Suddenly, his eyes widen as if he realise something.

"Do you think that... Mitsuki is the killer?"

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