Chapter 22

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"And that's why I'm here, maybe Becky was telling me to go to this place so I could find the first clue." I told him and he sigh.

There was a long silence between us and each seconds that pass by, it was getting more awkward. I observe his appearance and it looked like he was in a deep thought.

"The... night that my brother died, he was talking to me on his phone that night." He spoke and I widen my eyes. "He... was talking about how he had an amazing time eating dinner in your house and he was bragging about asking you out the next day."

I was speechless at the information that he was giving me. It was like I was learning something new.

"But as he was talking, he keeps telling me that somehow... he felt like someone was following him but when he tried looking around, he did not see anyone. So I told him he was just being paranoid and probably still happy of the fact that he just ate dinner in your house. Suddenly, he stop talking again and told me that he was sure that someone was following him." I tried swallowing the lump that was on my throat.

His story reminded me of the day I found the recorder. The next day I ask my father about it and he was confuse that it was even there and told me that he didn't know anything about it.

"I then started hearing him screaming in pain, I did not know what was happening but before I could even ask him what happened, the line cut off. I thought at first that he was pranking me but... but w-when I-I f-found o-out that he w-was d-dead... I-I..." Akamaru started crying as well as for the brown dog.

I felt sorry for him so I stood up from my chair and comforted him. He started crying on my chest and I started stroking his hair.

"Shhh, it's alright, you're alright." I told him and he whimpered.

"I-I should have been t-there... if o-only I l-listened to h-him then..." He tried speaking and I didn't know what to do.

After he was done crying, he look at me then flash a smile.

"A-anyways, I apologise for you seeing me like this. This is my little dog by the way, I named him Kiba so... so I would at least still have Kiba inside the house." He said while pointing to the little brown dog.

"Hey there little Kiba." I greeted while patting the little dog and it lick my hand while barking.

I then gave Akamaru a serious look.

"Did you tell anyone about what happened?" I ask him and he shook his head.

"Kiba wouldn't want me to get involve with the police otherwise I have to return back to our parents, which Kiba didn't want to happen." He answered and I nod.

"Is it okay if I check Kiba's room?" I ask him and he nods.

He lead me to where Kiba's room were and I look around. I tried looking through his things, not really knowing what I'm searching for until I found love letters that was suppose to be sent to me.

Dear Y/n, my Angel

The first time I saw you, I thought I was in heaven. I wanted to approach you from the day I met you but I got shy. Hopefully one day you'll talk to me

-Kiba Inuzuka, your future boyfriend

I giggle at all the letters that he was giving me until one letter caught my attention.

Dear Y/n, my Angel

You know that I write everything and tell everything to you so here goes nothing. Since the day I first went inside your house (Author's note: Not the dinner night but Kiba had been in your house before) I felt like someone is watching me or following me around. I don't know if it's just my imagination but there was one time when I DID saw someone following me. I guess I could call him the 'Boogie Man' since I did not know what to call the person but I was sure that he was there.

-Kiba Inuzuka, your future boyfriend

I continued rummaging through the letters, searching for something that could contain who could the 'Boogie Man' that he was talking about be. I then saw another letter and immediately read it.

Dear Y/n, my Angel

I guess fate doesn't want us to be together. Whenever I'm around you, I could feel the Boogie Man watching but I will not stop talking to you just because of him. One day you'll know how much I love you and not even the Boogie Man could stop me!

-Kiba Inuzuka, your future boyfriend

That was all the letters that I have found. I then put them all back inside Kiba's cabinet, except for the one that contains the Boogie Man and was about to leave when something caught my eye. Under Kiba's bed, there was another letter. 

I bent down and reach for the letter then started reading it. I realise that the writing was a mess, as if he was rushing to write it down.

Dear Y/n, my Angel

I don't know what's happening to me but... I saw him, the Boogie Man in my OWN room when I'm about to leave my house to visit you at your house. I don't know what he was doing but... he got some injection out and I am writing this after he left for I suddenly felt dizzy. I am now down the ground and if anyone read this letter, warn everyone that there's a BOOGIE MA-

The letter stop there and I was speechless at what I just read. I then saw something at the back so I turned it around and saw the date of when it was written.

six years ago...

I widen my eyes since that was the day that I lost my mother.

What's... going on?

-----Mini time skip-----

I was now on my bed in my house, staring at the ceiling once again, thinking about everything that I have discovered.

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