The Emotion

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Bridgette walks in and thinks of Torena, remembering everything she had heard about her. She remembers hearing Alek's fondness and she looks down. Yet she smiles and sits on one of the beds.

Alek steps in, shutting the door. "Alright... we are in the clear." He turns to her with a smile.

She is still looking at the floor, thinking to herself, hardly hearing him.

He notices her and sits next to her, leaning and placing his chin on her shoulder. "My love, is everything alright?"

She jolts and looks at him. She decides that being honest would be best so she moves away from him slightly and asks on a timid voice "Well... I was just wondering... I mean, it's silly of me but... am I just a dear friend to you? I mean, that... that's what you said and all..." She rubs her arm "K-i mean it's alright if I am! That's okay! I just wish you would have... t-told me before I embarrassed myself in front of you that entire time... oh..." her ears lower and her cheeks dust pink.

"Oh my love..." Alek holds her hand. "You are my dearest friend, as a wife should be." He kisses her. "I care for you above all others, and yet I can have fun with you like I would a friend. Yet, I can love you as my own."

"Well... y-yes but I don't think others would understand that... I mean..." She looks away "Sorry... I just wonder if you're embarrassed because of me..."

"Embarrassed?" He chuckles. "My dear, I'm proud of you!"

She shrinks and pouts "Sometimes you don't act like it... you always introduce me as friend or dear friend..."

Alek pulls back slightly, his face confused. "You mind? I always just figured you preferred it that way..."

"I..." She gulps and shrugs "Yeah okay it's fine... as long as your comfortable with it and all..."

He smiles lightly. "As soon as we are married, you shall be my wife, and none other." He kisses her neck.

She sighs and shuts her eyes "Alek I just... I don't know..."

"What don't you know?" Alek traces circles on her hand with his thumb.

"I-if.... i-i don't know..." She blushes, shrunking back and wishing for more of his light touch.

His smile comes back. "My lady, tell me what you want, and it shall be."

She pouts and stays silent, not sure what to tell him. She gulps and shrinks back, her mind conflicting.

Alek frowns, turning her head lightly to face him. "My love... are you okay?"

She hugs herself and looks away. "Y-yeah... I'm okay...."

Alek bites his cheek, his hands moving to his lap. "If you say so... although... if anything does bother you... please tell me." He says, standing and taking of his coat, laying it on a chair.

"I... I just don't know how to explain it!" She looks at him "I just... didn't feel good with the thing..."

He turns his head, looking at her once more. "The thing?"

"I-i don't know!" She hugs herself more.

Alek pulls the chair in front of where she was. He sits across from her, taking her hands gently in his own. "Tell me something that you do know. Anything at all. Tell me something you know to be true..." he looks into her eyes, his face calm.

"I... I love you...! I-i do know that!" She trembles and looks at his hands "But... um... I... um..."

Alek brings her hands to his lips, hissing them lightly and holding them to him, as if urging her to continue.

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