This is Cheating!

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Anthony's POV

I can't believe what I just did. Sure, it felt amazing and all, but I was engaged to Kalel.


Ian didn't say anything. He just looked up at me.

"You know we can't be together, Anthony. You're happily engaged. " Ian cried.

"We can give this a chance, Ian." I said slowly. "Kalel doesn't have to know just yet."

"But... you'd be cheating, Anthony."

"I feel something with us, Ian, something I've never felt with Kalel." I said.

Ian just nervously itched his left arm.

"What's wrong, Ian?"

I grabbed Ian's sleeve, pulled it up, and saw all of the cuts on it. I burst into tears and hugged Ian tightly. "You don't need to feel like this, Ian."

I felt Ian crying on my shoulder. "I love you." Ian managed to squeak out. I began to cry even harder. "I love you too, and I always will." He grabbed my hand and led me to the couch, where we sat and cuddled. I didn't want anything intimate to happen at this moment, not even kissing. This moment was absolutely perfect just the way it was.

I felt Ian's breathing slow down. Aw, he fell asleep. Everyone always says Ian sleeps like a kitten.

They're not lying.

I fell asleep right there, cuddled in his arms.

I woke up to the sound of my cell phone going off. Ian was still sound asleep.

I picked it up and saw that Kalel was calling me. "Shit," I muttered.

I quickly ran to another room.

"Hey babe." I answered tiredly.

"You didn't talk to me at all yesterday.." Kalel said, half-angrily.

"Sorry, Ian and I went out all day yesterday. We filmed and stuff."

"Anthony," Kalel said slowly. "Do you think that Ian could be... gay?"

"That doesn't matter to me. Either way, he's still my best friend." And technically, boyfriend.

"Oh, just asking." She replied. "Call me later! Bye, love!"


I hung up.

Was it obvious that Ian was gay? I mean, I'm his best friend and I didn't figure it out...

I sat down on my bed and began to think. What will our viewers think if we come out?

I would have to break up with Kalel first, and that would be hard. I'd need to think of a good reason for that.

My phone buzzed with a text from Kalel. "Babe, wouldn't it be awkward if he was crushing on you?" That pissed me off. Why did she care so much?

Then I realized it. Kalel and Ian have never liked eachother. Ian hid his hatred while Kalel showed it. I guess I should have realized sooner that she was a bitch.

Also, she had converted me to a vegan diet, which I had no interest in, other than health reasons.

It was like I was making a pros and cons list of Kalel, like she did when we first started dating.

I scribbled another note to Ian, saying that I was going back to Kalel's to break up with her and bring my stuff over. Man, this would be hard.

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