Commercials and Reservations

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Anthony's POV

I felt so bad for how I reacted to that kiss. I mean, neither of them could help it. They both were forced to so that doesn't mean Ian felt anything in the kiss. Ian was still in the car. I mean, I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't want to come inside a house after I said those things. I felt horrible.

I went into the garage and saw Ian with his arms crossed over the seat, crying a bit (not a lot) looking at his left hand. I opened the car door next to him, sat on the seat, and pulled him into a long kiss. He hesitated at first and then kissed me back strongly, taking dominance over the kiss. When he pulled away, he looked at me. Then when he was about to say something, I cut him off by saying "I love you."

He wiped his eyes and grabbed my hand and led me to the couch. "I love you too." He cooed, looking at our linked hands. Why was he so addicted to hands all of a sudden? Did he have some kind of fetish now? I laughed at the thought. Ian looked at me quietly and raised an eyebrow. "You've been looking at your hands for a while now. Everything okay?" I asked.

Ian just nodded and grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. The first thing that came on the TV was a KAY jewelers commercial for rings and the next one was a Jared commercial. Ian blushed a bit but rolled his eyes at the commercials. So did I.

I thought about the two commercials and how much Ian meant to me. We've been dating for a while now, and I've decided that Ian's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I laughed to myself a bit. I realized that Ian was my true love over a piece of bacon. Why was I so oblivious before? I looked at our linked hands. My right hand, his left. I moved a little so my head was on his shoulder. Ian moved a bit. "Sorry babe, but I have to go to the store. Anything you need?" He kissed my forehead. I shook my head no.

He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. I ran to my phone and hurriedly dialed the number to the fancy restaurant downtown. I made a reservation for us at 8 PM. When I was sure Ian was gone, I grabbed my keys and headed to my car as well. I was going to the nearest KAY jewelers to buy a ring for my true love. I was going to propose to Ian. My true love.

Ian's POV

I wasn't going to the store, I was going to Jared.

I loved Anthony so much that I was going to propose. We've been dating for a while and it felt so right to profess my love to him this way. I just hoped he would say yes.

I guessed his finger measurements by looking at his hands. I hope he didn't catch on to my plan because I was looking at them. I quickly drove to Jared and walked in.

"Hi, do you have any male wedding rings? I'm looking to propose." I said to the woman behind the counter. She smiled at me. "That's cute. Yes, we have some over there." She pointed to a corner.

I chose a perfect gold round ring that I thought would fit Anthony's finger exactly. It was absolutely perfect for him and it was what he deserved. I bought it and left Jared with the ring box in my jacket pocket. I pulled out my phone to text Anthony.

Me: 'I'll make some dinner reservations for us tonight babe.'

Anthony: 'Already done xoxo'

Me: 'Really? I love you so much'

Anthony: 'Love you more <3'

Then I put my phone back in my jean pocket. I started the car and headed to the store so it looked like I actually went there. I hurriedly grabbed a few cans of Monster and coffee grounds, bought them, and headed home.

Anthony's POV

I found the perfect ring at KAY jewelers and hurried home as fast as I could so Ian wouldn't notice. I hid the ring box in my back pocket. It was already 6:30, so I decided to start getting ready for our fancy dinner. I hurried to my room, putting the ring in a drawer and covering it with socks and briefs. I put on a tuxedo shirt and dress pants and nice shoes. I did my hair and I was ready by the time Ian got home, which was 7:15.

Ian eyed me up and down and kissed me. "I guess it's my turn to get ready." He smirked and headed to his room. At 7:45, Ian came out of his room looking snazzy and cute. He grabbed my hand to go out to the car but I stopped him. "You go, I got to grab my wallet." I told him. I hurried to my room and shoved the ring box in my pocket.

I sat in the car and kissed Ian lovingly. "Ready, babe."

He started the car and we drove to the fancy restaurant, the ringbox hurting my leg.

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