Wedding Shopping!

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"What color bow tie should I get, Melissa?" (Incase you didn't know, that's Ian's real life older sister) Ian held up two bow ties, one black, one white. Melissa cocked her head to the side in thought and reached for the black one. "Black is classier. Trust me, the Smosh wedding has to be all about class." She smiled. Ian put the other bowtie back and held the other one in his hands. Then he looked at Melissa, holding the bowtie up. "Is this one good enough? I don't want a crappy bowtie that will break at the reception," Ian stated. She laughed. "Ian, you're overthinking this. This one will be just fine. Let's just go get you fitted for a tux, alright?" Ian wiped his forehead, symbolizing that he was in a nervous state. "Wait!" He exclaimed. "What if Anthony gets a white bowtie?" Melissa rolled her eyes. "I'll tell him what to buy." She said calmly.

She put her arm around his shoulders and he broke away instantly, exclaiming that he needed new shoes for the wedding. Melissa sighed and led him to the dress shoes. Ian eyed every shoe carefully, every seam and every inch of the leather or whatever other material it was made out of. Ian remembered that Anthony was committing to being vegan, so he began to look for vegan leather shoes. Ian thought Anthony would appreciate him more at the wedding if he wore the "correct" shoe.

Ian dug through several shoes and shoe boxes, trying to find the perfect shoe for his wedding that was both vegan and nice looking. Soon, he was limited to three pairs and couldn't choose between them. Melissa finally chose one for him that was very nice vegan leather with a smooth sole and fit Ian's foot perfectly. "This one it is!" Ian smiled, obviously pleased with himself. He let Melissa drag him to the tuxedo shirts, where she made Ian try on many different sizes until she found the one they both thought would do. It was plain white, of course, with small black buttons down the middle and a bit of "texturing" on the sides of the buttons. Ian was very pleased at the one they picked out, and he knew it was absolutely perfect for the occasion. Melissa's phone rang with a call and she answered it.


"Oh, sure! Absolutely!"


Melissa looked at Ian who stared at her with a questioning look. "Mom is going to meet us at the tailor's."

"Ah," Ian said. They paid for the items they had picked out and walked out. They walked to the car in silence, and when they got in, Melissa turned to Ian and smirked. "When's Anthony shopping?"

"As soon as possible, I think." He responded, looking at his ring.

She squealed. "You two are SOO adorable and I'm so happy you're together!" Melissa hugged Ian out of nowhere. Ian was caught by surprise but eventually hugged back, grateful for the support.

They drove to the tailor's and saw their mom  waiting for them. They all walked into the tailor's and sat in chairs as Ian got measured up with measuring tape. Ian was extremely uncomfortable but he didn't protest. Soon, the tailor asked him, "What's the occasion?"

"Wedding." He responded.

"Ah," The tailor smiled. "So I'm assuming a plain black tuxedo?"

Ian nodded and smiled at the tailor who wrote things down on a piece of paper.

(Meanwhile, Anthony was also shopping)

"Melanie, what do you think of this shoe?" Anthony held up a dress shoe for Melanie to see. She looked at it carefully then looked back at Anthony. "It's vegan, right?"

"Of course," He laughed. "Well, then, I think it's absolutely perfect for you! You and Ian are going to look so dapper!" Melanie smiled at him.

Anthony smiled back at her and then walked over to the skater shoes. "Mathew?" (Yes, his brother's name is spelled with one t.) Mathew sighed loudly and walked over to him. "What up?"

"Should I get these shoes?" Anthony held them out to Mathew. Melanie stood behind Anthony.

"I don't know, you're the gay one, shouldn't you know what's fabulous and 'trendy?'" He asked, using air quotes. Anthony reached out a hand to slap him, but restrained and instead let out a low growl and walked away. Melanie ran to Mathew. "That's your brother! How could you be so rude?"

Mathew shrugged.

Melanie sighed. "Your brother hasn't changed, he's still the Anthony you know and love." Then she turned away and walked in Anthony's direction. He had the shoebox (with the shoes) cradled under his arm and he was looking at ties. Melanie looked at him. "I thought Ian said you were getting bow ties?"

"Oh." Anthony said. "Right." Then walked over to the bow ties and grabbed a black one. He studied it, then grasped it in his left hand as he made his way to the tuxedo shirts. Melanie and Mathew were close behind. "Anthony," Mathew said from behind him. Anthony gave him a death stare. "I'm sorry, okay? Don't be so pissed off, jeez." Mathew said, keeping a poker face.

Anthony just ignored him and went to picking out a tuxedo shirt with Melanie. Soon they had paid, and gotten Anthony measured for a suit at the tailor's.

Ian was already home when Anthony got there, so Anthony hurriedly hid what he got for the wedding in his closet. "Long day?" Ian said, kissing Anthony softly. "Very." Anthony yawned, curling up next to him on the couch.

The wedding was only two weeks away and both of them were horribly anxious. Everything was ready. All they had to do now was wait. Although they were both anxious that they would mess something up, both of them wished it would come quicker. They were absolutely ready to get married, but they weren't prepared for the crowds. Youtube weddings were always massive, and this was a SMOSH wedding. The two members of Smosh were getting married.

Just two weeks left.


I need suggestions, Ian and Anthony Hecox or Ian and Anthony Padilla? Thanks! :*

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