All is well...

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Nya's POV
I shouted for the others telling them that Lloyd was awake ," Guys !" I shouted . Everyone came running in ,
" what is it ?" Kai asked worriedly , he saw Lloyd and ran up to him , " Lloyd , I'm so glad you're okay !"
They all smiled and looked down at Lloyd , who was lying on the bed holding his arm in slight pain . Zane walked up to him and out a hand on his back . " Garmadon's back , and we are now down one ninja !" Jay panicked .
" We are going to get through this , because we ninja never quit !" Cole said .
Zane's POV
I saw Lloyd frown when Cole said that Garmadon was back . I just helped him feel better , we thought we had won this battle , but now we are losing and Garmadon is back ... in other words ... Lloyds father ...I know how he feels now , even worse . His own dad almost killed him , and is now onto killing all of Ninjago . The others left after a while , and I was left with taking care of Lloyd .   . I saw him slowly drifting to sleep .  . I decided to leave him alone now to rest peacefully and set off to bed with the others .
Ok , this is starting to sound like a Lloyd x Zane book . I just leave all the work to Zane because , you know ... Nindroids .

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