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When the time out was over, the buzzer went off before both teams went back to the court. Seirin benchwarmers were cheering "defence" as loud as they could. "We're gonna stop this one!" shouted Hyuga.

"Yeah!" responded his teammates before they went towards where their opponents were.

"Let's go, Kagami-kun." said Kuroko.

"Yeah." he replied as they went to join their teammates. Suddenly, Kagami's eyes widened when he felt Akashi's aura, which was different than before. 'What is it?' he questioned. 'There's something different about Akashi compared to everything up till now.' His focus went to the said boy when he dribbled closer to him. 'He's coming! Concentrate! If I don't use all of my nerves, I can't defeat Akashi!'

However, Akashi broke past him by driving in the right side before making a quick cross-over when Kagami leaned towards the left. Kuroko was behind Kagami, and began reaching out to steal the ball, but was taken aback by Akashi smiling at him, saying, "It's been a while, Kuroko." Akashi dribbled the ball a few times to avoid the said boy's grasp before passing it to Reo, who was surprised by the pass. After registering what happened, Reo quickly shot the ball, scoring three points for the team. "A beautiful shot. Good job, Mibuchi."

'No way.' thought the said boy disbelievingly as he stared at his team captain with surprise. 'Sei-chan cheering for me? And that pass just now... The location, the timing, even the angle of the ball seems as I caught it was perfect. This is the first time I've ever felt so good about a shot during a game.' With a smile on his face, Reo ran off to join Akashi and the rest on defence. 'What's with all this? It's getting me all worked up!'

"Man." said Kise, who had an uneasy smile on his face when he knew what was happening on the court. "I already know from that one pass just now."

'That's the pass we were used to getting.' noted Midorima.

'Which means...' trailed off the surprised Murasakibara.

'Akashi is back to his old self.' thought Aomine, who was thinking the same thing as the rest of the Generation of Miracles, including Kuroko when he told his teammates the same thing.

"What?" gasped Hyuga. "You serious?"

"Now that Akashi's real self has awoken, there's no doubt they're far more formidable than before." warned Kuroko.

'So, we're starting the real deal from here, huh?' thought Kagami with a grin while wiping off the sweat on his chin with the back of his hand. 'Excellent!'

The game resumed with Akashi having the ball when Rakuzan was on offence. With Kagami marking him, Akashi passed the ball to Hayama from the side. 'Crap!' cussed Izuki. 'What a pass! And this space is...'

'It's where I'm the best at!' thought Hayama after catching the ball, completing what Izuki was thinking.

'This speed, and this pause.' noted Kiyoshi when Hayama was closer to the hoop. 'This isn't good. This is totally Hayama's form!' Kiyoshi tried to stop him, but he scored a basket with a double-clutch.

The game went on with Rakuzan scoring steadily with Akashi passing the ball to his teammates. When it was Seirin's turn to be on offence, Kiyoshi scored a basket for the team with a dunk. While the benchwarmers were cheering, the girls were watching with uneasiness. 'Akashi-kun's complete change after the time out.' thought Riko. 'It looks like Rakuzan has gotten back up to speed, but we're scoring as well. But, I have a bad feeling about this. What is this feeling that something is wrong?'

That Manager - Kuroko no Basuke (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now