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"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I heard Jimin shout at the top of his lungs as I groaned, why was he yelling? Then my eyes widen as I sat up in my bed looking around, Taehyung wasn't here! Shit.

"I'm Taehyung, a fallen angel. And you must be Park Aeri's brother." Taehyung replied as I quickly ran out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen seeing Jimin holding a frying pan up ready to hit Taehyung.

"What the hell!? Aeri! Why is this weirdo in here!?" Jimin whined acting like Taehyung was some kind of infested bug.

I sighed as Jimin hid behind me pointing the frying pan to Taehyung. "Jimin! He's a friend of mine who needed a place to stay!"

"Park Aeri, you're lying to your brother-"

"Taehyung!" I snapped making him look down like he just did something bad. "Look, I can tell you the truth but you wont believe me."

"Try me." He mumbled glaring at Taehyung.

"Just... Have a seat and I'll make breakfast while I explain." I sighed.

"Fine." Jimin sat down as Taehyung sat on the opposite side of the table, my mom had already gone back to work early this morning.

"Okay, so I was walking back from the walk with Lucas when I suddenly saw something that looked like a shooting star." I began as I started to make pancakes for all of us.

Once I finished Jimin was looking at me like I had three heads. "Okay, you're right. I don't believe you."

"See?" I sighed sitting next to them and handed Taehyung two pancakes as he tilted his head. "Is something wrong?"

"Angels don't need to eat-" He was cut off by his own stomach as he looked away a bit embarrassed.

"Sure. Now eat before I smack your head." I demanded as he nodded and took a fork and picked the whole thing up shoving it in his mouth. How cute.

"Is he an idiot?" Jimin snickered.

"He can show you he's a fallen angel!" I huffed crossing my arms.

"Really? Show me than, Taehyung." Jimin looked at him as Taehyung nodded and stood up.

He took off his shirt as Jimin's eyes widen about to protest but I covered his mouth letting Taehyung do his thing. He turned around revealing the burned looking slits in his back as Jimin squinted his eyes like he had to look for something. And then his eyes nearly fell out of his socket when Taehyung revealed his black wings. 

"W-What the hell?" Jimin stood up about to run.

"Told you dummy, he's a fallen angel." I sighed going to Taehyung and put my hand on one of his wings making him look at me. "He was cast out last night and landed in Seoul Forest, I found him Jimin. He has no where to go so I took him in."

"Aeri, he's not some dog you found in the park." Jimin snapped at me. "You can't just keep him here, mom would kill you for having a boy sleeping in your room. He's lucky I'm not going to kill him for sleeping in the same bed as my little sister."

"Don't act all high and caring, you don't even like me." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still my sister! For all you know this guy could be like a demon or something just tricking you to hurt you-"

Taehyung put his wings away and went to Jimin, he towered over him. "I'm not a demon, Park Jimin. I'm an angel, and I would never, EVER hurt Park Aeri. She saved me." He said in a deep voice I have not yet heard. "So please don't accuse me of being a low demon."

"F-fine." Jimin cleared his throat backing up as he brushed down his over sized white t-shirt. "You will be staying in my room then until we figure something else out. Got it?"

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