Almost Kiss

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"M-mom? What are you doing home?" I asked my mother desperately as she closed the door behind her.

"Did you forget what day it was?" She looked at me confused. "I always take this day off, you know this."

"What day-" I paused realizing what day it really was, it was her and my fathers anniversary. She always took this day off, no matter how busy she was. After he left her, she took this day off every year hoping he could come back. "Right, I forgot."

"Park Aeri, how do I make this ramen- Oh!" Taehyung came out to my mothers surprise as she raised a brow. "You must be Park Aeri's mother! I'm Kim Taehyung her ang- Friend!"

My mom looked at him then at me. "Why didn't you tell me you had company?"

"I forgot." I mumbled. "He's innocent, don't worry about him. I'm going to go help him with the ramen, want anything?"

"Just a bottle of soju." She replied going to the couch as I nodded pulling Taehyung into the kitchen. 

He kept looking back towards the direction of my mom. "She's so sad today."

"Its my parents anniversary. She takes the day off every year despite my dad leaving us six years ago." I sighed grabbing her a bottle. "Stay here, I'll be right back." I said as I went back to her, she was on the couch  with her legs crossed looking like she wanted to cry. "He isn't worth your tears anymore mom."

"Thank you." She simply said taking the bottle before shooing me off.

"Welcome." I mumbled going back to Taehyung who just looked at me and suddenly cupped my face before I could open his ramen.

"It will be okay." He said, his eyes looked into mine as he showed me his soft smile. "It may hurt now, but everything will be okay." He caressed my cheeks as I gulped tearing up.

"Why are you saying this?" I asked him softly.

"Because it seems no one else has." He sighed before leaning in and planted a kiss on my forehead, he then put our heads together as he closed his eyes. "I understand how badly it hurts having someone leaving you. That's how angels felt when our brothers and sisters fell from heaven." 

I studied his face, he was so sincere. I couldn't help what I was feeling, butterflies and my heart was thumping almost out of my chest. My eyes looked down to his lips, they looked so soft. What was I thinking? He probably could feel my emotions or read them or whatever it was he can do! He opened his eyes and looked at me almost chuckling.

"Why are you chuckling?" I mumbled.

"Its been three days since I've been sick and confessed, you're so confused by it." He bit his lip, my eyes widen. He's been watching way too many dramas or movies! "Park Aeri, can I kiss you?" 

"K-Kiss me?" I gulped. "N-no, you shouldn't do that. Y-you're an angel who's going to go back to heaven, isn't it wrong for angels and humans to have feelings for each other?" I looked at him.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly following the rules." He mumbled. "I was cast out by mistake sure, but at this point who knows if I'm going to go back." He leaned in closer to my lips

"T-Taehyung." I mumbled at he licked his bottom lip about to kiss me when Jimin came in with headphones on until he saw us. I nearly jumped back shaking my head as Jimin raised a brow.

"Whats going on ulzzang?" He almost glared.

I shook my head. " Nothing! Mom's home. I got to go." I quickly ran to the door. "Koga!" I yelled for my dog as he came running down and I leashed him before leaving the house.

Koga and I walked down the road, my heart was beating a million miles per second. My breath was heavy, he was about to kiss me! I kept taking deep breaths to calm down, he was being so sweet at first and then he like switched! Almost as if he was someone else or something. I sighed going to the park and sat on a swing, I know Taehyung means well. He really does, but it confuses me as to how he's learned so quickly. Maybe its because of my brother, or maybe he really does know more than he says. 

Why would he lie to me? But then again, why would he tell me the truth? For all I know, he has nothing to gain or he has everything to gain from this. Theres no proof that he is who he says he is other than his wings and the fact he can pick up emotions. I'm over thinking this, I can tell. Koga laid at my feet as I sighed again. It was a good idea to pull away from Taehyung right? Even if he can't go back to heaven, it would be a bad idea for us to be a 'thing'.

I'm just a fling for him, just someone who's taken care of him. Once he goes out on his own, he will see theres other people for him. Whether its girls or guys, he will see theres better people than some broken girl. But I really like him. I just don't want to get hurt, at least not again. Maybe I should take Jimin's offer on dating his friend, Jungkook. He's not a bad looking guy and he can't be that bad of a person. Yeah, I'll give him a chance. Taehyung wont mind, he will see that its for the best. Angels are understanding, right?

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