Arch Angel

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Taehyung and I went to the park with my dog as Koga played with other kids and dogs, Taehyung wouldn't let go of my hand. He wouldn't stop grinning either, ever since he kissed me and asked to be his. It was the most adorable thing, I loved it so much. 

"Why do you treat me so well?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"Because you're my queen!" He took the hand he was holding and kiss the back of mine before looking at me again. "I want to make you the happiest you've ever been. You deserve the entire universe."

"You're sticky sweet but I love it." I grinned as he kissed my cheek.


We looked up seeing the most horrible face we could ever ask for, Jaejoong. He had a disgusted face while looking at us before sitting in between us on the bench and put his arm around both of us. He crossed his legs as Taehyung was giving him the most terrifying death glare I've seen him do yet.

"What are you doing here Jaejoong?" Taehyung snapped.

"So I asked around. No one knew about you being cast from Heaven. Also, I asked the big dog himself, well, his second in command. Theres no record of you siding with Lucifer. Either you a re lying to me or someone told you a lie." He looked at Taehyung. "Was it God himself that cast you out?"

"No one else would able to-"

"Michael could." Jaejoong sighed. "Now the question would be, why would an arch angel cast you out if you did nothing wrong?"

"Michael wouldn't do that!" Taehyung yelled at him. "He looks at me as a brother!"

Jaejoong chuckled. "Little Gabriel. Let me ask you, when Michael came down to earth, who was it that got closer to God and became his second in command?"

"I-it was me! But what does that have to do with anything?" He looked at him confused.

"Michael was jealous." I said as Taehyung's eyes widen a bit.

"Ding ding ding." Jaejoong smirked. "Big brother Michael was jealous when he came back to Heaven and disliked it. So therefore, he got you cast out of Heaven by telling all the other angels you were siding with Lucifer. And here you are. Have you even done your praying since you been here or have you been occupied with the humans too much?"

Taehyung's shoulders slumped down as he looked down ashamed. "I-I haven't prayed because I thought God was ashamed of me... Why would Michael be so mean and cast me out over jealousy?"

"Because angels aren't perfect either Gabriel." Jaejoong sighed. "The point is, what are you going to do about it?"

"I'll pray tonight and see if God will take me back." Taehyung nodded as I managed a smile, he was going to leave sooner or later and I knew that. He looked at me as his face fell knowing what I was probably thinking. "But I will come back if I can get back to Heaven okay?"

"I know." I smiled slightly before looking at Jaejoong. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because he's on my turf. A lot of demons are afraid of him since he himself is an arch angel, we just don't know what he can and can't do. So the sooner he gets back to Heaven the sooner we can roam freely." He smiled ruffling my hair.

"Don't touch her." Taehyung smacked his hand away as he stood up and Koga came trotting over to him. "We should go. I want to tell Jimin too and then pray tonight. I promise I wont leave without saying goodbye." He took my hand.

"Gross. Alright kids, I'm out." Jaejoong chuckled before snapping and disappeared.

I nodded taking Taehyung's hand as we walked out of the park while Taehyung held Koga's leash. I stayed silent, I finally let him into my heart and now he could possibly leave? In some ways I wish he wouldn't go back or get answered by his prayer. But thats selfish and a terrible thing to think, he feels like hes betrayed God and he wants to make it up to him. And now that we know Michael, someone he trusted the second most was the reason he was cast out, well. I can't imagine he feels great about it.

"Aeri." Taehyung looked at me squeezing my hand. "I will come back for you. I already told you that."

"I know. I just can't believe its happening already." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "But you deserve going back there. What Michael did was not okay and horrible, you loved him and God. Its selfish to cast you away just because he was jealous. You deserve to be happy."

He smiled back and hugged me on the sidewalk. "Thank you so much for understanding. Jimin said you might have had a hard time with it after your dad left and with your mom barely ever around." He mumbled as he kissed my head. "I wont be like that. I will come back and we can do whatever you want. Together."

"Taehyung." I pouted a bit as he cupped my face. "You're too sweet."

"I'm not sweet enough Aeri. You have no idea how much I love you. I love you to the moon and back." He kissed my nose caressing my cheeks. "When I'm gone you need to tell people you are mine okay? Say I'm on a trip. But do not let anyone flirt with you or try to seduce you. I can't take it."

"As you wish." I smiled at him and chuckled a bit. "I wouldn't let anyone do that anyway, I don't want to belong to anyone else but you Tae."

"That's my girl." He put his arm around me as we continued to walk home. "Before I pray tonight can you do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

He smirked a bit. "Can you help me shower?"

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I smacked his arm.

"Not what I mean! Just... I'll be in the tub with bubbles and stuff and you can like wash my hair for me. Can you? I've seen it in a movie and really wanted to try it." He looked at me innocently.

Those innocent eyes still have the same effect on me as they used to, just now he isn't so innocent. "Fine. But we can't tell Jimin or he would kill us."

"Yay!" He kissed my face all over before he started skipping with me home.

He's such a kid sometimes, but its one of the many reasons I love him.

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