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Taehyung was leaving today, and I had no idea when he was supposed to be back considering Heaven time worked differently than earth time. He said his good-bye to Jimin before he left to see Yoongi, which made Jimin tear up seeing his good friend leave. Emotional kid he is. Taehyung and I were eating lunch together, but I couldn't eat and just kept staring at him. His hair was blonde again, he wanted to look the same as he came down. I admired him as he ate his sandwich, when would I see him again? 

"Aeri, you're staring again." Taehyung's voice caught me off guard as I smiled a bit. 

"Sorry, just still amazed at how beautiful you really are." I said smoothly as I looked away, don't cry Aeri.

"Park Aeri, my hero, m savior, my one and only love." He said as I looked at him tearing up. "I'll be back, I promise yeah? I would never leave you alone too long, I would never dream of hurting you." He took my hand and kissed it.

"Why are you so perfect?" I sniffed as he opened his mouth to talk but I shook my head. "Don't be cocky and say its because you're an angel brat face."

He grinned. "You know me so well. I love you my princess."

"I love you too." I smiled as we leaned over and kissed one another when my phone alarm when off, it was time for him to go.

"I guess that its time." He mumbled standing up as he fixed his hair and brushed down his shirt. "I should go now, pray to us every night and I promise I'll show signs for you baby." He kissed my head as I hugged him.

"I'll keep myself busy with Wendy." I sniffed hugging him tightly.

"Aeri, maybe you should visit your father." He said as I looked at him shocked, we've rarely talked about my dad. "Hear his side out, maybe he has a reason. Or maybe he's too scared to reach out to you after what he did to your mother. You only get one father Aeri, at least make an effort to make it work. If he burns it again then stay away from him, he doesn't deserve you."

"Really? You sure I should do that? What if I hear things and it hurts?" I asked him.

"Its better now then later, find the truth out for yourself so you can make a decision for your life." He kissed my head again before letting me go. "I have to go."

I nodded wiping my tears, he was always right and wanted to see the good in people. It was like he wanted to give people second chances, or maybe it was just so I had something to do while he was gone. "Have a good trip Kim Taehyung. Or rather, Gabriel."

"Mm, I will. Have a good time while I'm away, bye little puppy." He looked at Koga waving before he gave me one last famous smile of his before he walked out of the kitchen and I heard the front door shut. I held my chest where my heart was and cried softly, I already missed him and his goofy grin of his. He made me happy, he made me realize he was what I was missing all this time.

Taehyung, come back to me soon, my love.

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