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ft. uncle jessie wannabe and harls

uncle jessie wannabe
Harley im sorry
i sounded like a complete dick
im just tired of those comments
READ AT 11:47 PM
are you ignoring me
look harley im sorry okay
please don't ignore me

just because you're hurting doesn't mean you have to be a dick for no reason
im hurting too, but you don't see me being a dick

uncle jessie wannabe
because your situation happened years ago harls
mine happened a year ago

time doesn't matter
the pain is there
the pain will always be there it doesn't go away
i lost my fucking mother for crying out loud.
but when somebody mentions her, i don't rip out their hair.
okay, fanna isn't coming back.
she's not.
she's dead.
she's not here anymore.
she wouldn't want you being a dick.
i'm trying to help and you're just being rude

uncle jessie wannabe

i'm trying to fucking help you.
you think i'm doing this because i'm bored and have nothing else to do?
no joe.

uncle jessie wannabe
why are you doing this harley?
you don't deserve this.

i care about you. and i want you to get better alright.
so get your panties out of a bunch and quit being rude.
are we clear?

uncle jessie wannabe

alright. goodnight joe.

uncle jessie wannabe
goodnight harley.

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