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ITS BEEN MONTHS SINCE HARLEY AND JOE GOT IN THEIR LAST ARGUMENT. Surprisingly enough, the two have been getting along quiet well. Which was weird for the two, due to the fact that their "friendship" had a bumpy start.

Joe, was actually finally coming to the terms that Fanna was no longer here. She was in a happier place, where she wouldn't be in pain. But the part that would always stick with him, was the fact he was the reason she hit her breaking point.

But if it wasn't for Harley, he would've been dead by now.

Harley brought so much light to his life. He never expected have the same light in his life because Fanna was gone. She never gave up on him, and he didn't give up on her. Joe couldn't say he was in love with her. But he was. He really was.

The two sat on top of Joe's roof, looking over the sparkling lights of Los Angeles. Harley sat next to him, with a glass of red wine in her hand. Her blonde hair flowed on her tan shoulders, and her hazel eyes gleamed from the moon.

"You know Joe," Harley whispered, her eyes still on the city in front of her. "I really live for moments like these."

Harley, was glad she could help. Sure, he was never going to get over Fanna completely. That was okay, but she wanted to make sure he was alright. She wanted to make sure he was safe. Joe showed her so much love, which she hadn't felt in a long time.

Besides her best friends: Shane, Garrett, Ryland, Drew, and Morgan. This was a different love from that. A deep and passionate love. The type to give you butterflies in your stomach. The type that you would literally do anything and everything for that person.

Joe took a sip of his wine, and looked over at her. A small smile rose from his lips. "So do I," he told her. "It's so beautiful,"

"You can say that again." Harley whispered breathlessly. "Joe, can I say something?"

"Yeah, of course you can." He said, placing his wine glass beside him. "You can tell me anything."

She took a deep breath, ready to tell her feelings for Joe. "You make me really happy. Like, really happy. And, you're amazing. And, I... i just want to say thank you for making me the person I am today."

Joe could feel his stomach drop, in a good way of course. Hearing that... for the first time in a long time. Made everything worth it for him.

"No; thank you." He explained. "We met almost a year ago, and you told me you were going to help me. And you did. I love Fanna with all my heart, and she'll always be my first love. But, you helped me come to terms with her death. You helped me move on, and she would love you so much for helping me."

Harley was taken back by this, causing a big lump in her throat to form. "Fanna left me a note, after she died. Telling me, that I was going to find someone else. Who was going to fix me, and make me happy. I was going to find someone who gave me the same feeling she did. And I did, and it's you Harley."

"Joe," Harley whispered but Joe cut her off.

"I'm so fucking in love with you Harley Jane." Joe whispered, their eyes connected. "You fixed me. You showed me that there is some purpose in this world after all. You're my purpose. Fanna was leading me to you. You're the piece of my broken heart."

A small tear rolled down her cheek, but she didn't care. Because, she kissed Joe. She kissed him right then and there. Hearing everything he said to her, made her feel so much worth. So much worth she hadn't felt in a long time.

Joe kissed her back, with so much love and passion. Fanna was probably looking down at Joe, and smiling at the fact he finally moved on. His hands cupped her face, so he made it known that she was loved. Very loved.

After a minute, they both pulled away. Both were shocked at what just happened, but both happy too. "I love you too Joe. Thank you for letting me help you."


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