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uncle jessie wannabe
harley, i know you don't want to talk to me. or you never want to hear from me again. but, i want to say i'm sorry. i should've never said anything about your mom nor ex boyfriend. it was unnecessary, it was rude. i guess i was mad at the fact that fanna is on my mind and i'm scared to let her go.

joe. a bullshit apology is not enough
ive done so much for you
you don't know the shit i went through

uncle jessie wannabe
i know. and im sorry if this a bullshit apology.
but, i want to make this right with you. i've lost so many important people and im afraid of loosing you too.
you've been so important to me that i can't.

do you want me to tell you what happened?
with my ex?

uncle jessie wannabe
if you are comfortable with sharing
but i'm going to listen

so i was in a relationship with trevor newton. he's a famous singer .

uncle jessie wannabe
no fucking way

yeah. he was abusive. physically and mentally. that's why i get scared and i start crying when someone brings him up. it brings back to a time where i didn't  love myself or it felt nobody loved me. i was so scared. i want to help people so they don't go through the same self hate like i did because of people.

uncle jessie wannabe
harley oh my god
i'm sorry i have a feeling you need a hug
im coming over

joe you don't need to

uncle jessie wannabe
i know i don't need to
but you were there for me when i need you
now im going to do the same
be there in 30

okay. thank you
i'm thankful i met you
ill see you then

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