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AS THE WARM SUMMER SUN RESTED AGAINST THEIR BACKS, Joe's mind was rambling with emotions

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AS THE WARM SUMMER SUN RESTED AGAINST THEIR BACKS, Joe's mind was rambling with emotions.

This would be the first time, in a long time that he would visit Fanna's grave. Fanna's grave was right under the tree they shared their first kiss together, and Fanna wanted to be buried somewhere she left loved. That tree, made her feel loved.

Harley was nervous. She didn't know how Joe was going to act. Or if she said the wrong thing. But, the only thing that mattered to her, was she wanted to meet the girl that brought Joe so much love.

As they walked towards the tree from the abandoned school, Joe's felt drier. Drier than the desert. He didn't know what to think.

"Are you okay?" Harley asked softly, giving his hand a soft squeeze. "Joey, if you're not ready. It's okay. I understand."

He stopped, biting his lip. "Har. I need to do this. I need to tell her I'm okay. That's what she wants me to do."

A weak smile appeared on the brunettes face. She didn't want Joe to be sad, but what could she possibly do? Erase the past?

They started walking again, finally reaching Fanna's gravestone. Fanna Garland, June 29th 1993-May 16th, 2021.

"Hi Fanny," Joe whispered as he let go of Harley's hand and squatted down, placing a hand on her grave. "I know it's been awhile since I came to visit. But, had to get myself together first."

Harley felt her heart break into pieces, like someone took a sledgehammer to it. Joe let out a shaky breath. "But, look! I'm here. At our spot. I brought someone though, sorry." He chuckled quietly as he looked at Harley.

Everyone would think it would be weird to talk to a gravestone. But Harley didn't. She didn't at all. "Hello Ms Fanna." Harley smiled, squatting down. "I'm Harley, it's nice to meet you."

"She's the one who fixed me." Joe whispered. "Fanna, she's amazing. Wanna know how amazing she is? She's one of a kind. She's been there for me every step of the way, and the one who helped me come to terms with your death."

She felt tears slowly welp in her eyes, her throat becoming tighter and tighter. "I was scared though, because I never wanted to replace you. But, something told me that I had to move on. Harley's my missing puzzle piece." He started to cry and that's when Harley did as well.

"I always thought I was going to be lonely, I was at a point I was commit because I didn't want to be here anymore. Harley fixed it. She put me back together, and I love her so much for it." He cried. "Fan, you would've loved her too. She likes Parks & Recreation as much as you do." Harley laughed to that comment.

"Fanna," Harley stated. "From what I heard, you're amazing. And super pretty, don't get me started on that. Joe was hurting for the longest time, and I'm glad he's happy. We have a lot of things in common. But, seeing Joey happy is the biggest thing of them all."

Joe wrapped his arms around Harley and they both cried. Who knew the dead girl could cause so much grief but bring two people together? All Fanna Garland wanted to do after her death was to see Joe happy.

And even though, you never get over your first love. Fanna was probably looking down, with the biggest smile on her face. Because Joe finally moved on.

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