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uncle jessie wannabe 💓💓



"can i please kick that trevor guys ass? seriously, i'm so mad."

"*sigh* i wish, but you're trying to keep a good reputation here. i blocked him so you shouldn't be worried about anything."

"okay, but harls either way im going to be worried. you're my girlfriend."

"and you think i'm going to get back with my physically and mentally abusing ex boyfriend? *chuckles* yeah, sure am!"

"stop the sarcasm it's getting on my nerves."

"stop the sarcasm it's getting on my nerves."

"*sighs loudly* harley, i just don't want him doing stuff to you."

"why would he anyways?"

"did you not see what he said?!"

"yeah, i did. yeah it made me uncomfortable but i blocked him."

"but what if he tries to find you in person harley?"

"joe, you're being over dramatic."

"i don't care that i am harley! i'm just concerned for your safety and all im doing is trying to not let it happen."


"harley jane."

"did you just?"

"i did. im just trying to look after you because i love you and all, okay?"

"*sigh* alright, alright."

"alright. i love you. i'll see you tomorrow."

"love you too."

uncle jessie wannabe 💓💓 ended the call!

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