Chapter 2

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The next few days with work and sulking at home were relatively similar until a walk back changed that.

I was a block away from my house when I was attacked. To be more clear, a man who looked extremely sick ran at me with arms flailing and voice screeching. He grabbed my shoulders, trying to pull me closer, as I tried to push him back. He didn't even go for my bag or the valuables on my wrists, fingers, and neck. He didn't care about the material objects I owned, which I found quite odd for a robber.

"Stop!" I growled out as aggressively as I could. My words had no effect on him, and I had to get a hand free to resort to violence instead. My fist connected with the side of his face, and he only stumbled from the impact rather than the pain. I knew I threw a good hit too. "What the hell?"

He let out an inhuman screech again that blasted my ears painfully, so I took off in a run to my door. He followed close behind me, and I knew I couldn't unlock my door fast enough to slip inside before he reached me. I spotted a plant on my front step, deciding that would be what saved me. When I reached it, I threw it as hard as I could at his head. He deserved it after all, for being a complete creep.

He fell back long enough from the accurate blow for me to unlock my door, rush inside, and lock it with trembling fingers. I heard him pound against the wood I was leaning back on seconds later, vibrating fear through my spine. The noise of it didn't even compare to the pounding of my heart.

I ran around my nearly unfamiliar home to make sure everything was locked before taking out my phone. I called the one person I was most worried about and had to made sure was okay.

"Hey, what's-"

"Elise, s-someone just tried attacking me. I don't know what's going on, but he wouldn't fucking let up. He didn't even respond to me in any way. I just want you to be safe, and please don't go outside. Please, do not leave your house," I pleaded.

"Wait, slow down. Take a deep breath." She took one as I did to mimic me. "You were attacked. Did you call the police?"

"N-no, I didn't even think about that," I admitted. 

"You called me first instead of the police?"

"I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"And I want to make sure you're safe. Can I come over?" Elise sounded insecure asking as if she hadn't asked a thousand times before.

"I don't want you to go anywhere." I was too shaken up to believe being outside anywhere, even for a second, was safe. I was lucky enough to get away from whatever that psycho wanted, and I didn't want the love of my life to go through that. 

"I'll go straight to my car."


"Please? You sound so shaken up right now, and it scares me even more than not seeing you."

Even if it was hard, I knew seeing Elise would be more difficult. So, I agreed.

"Okay," I said hesitantly. "But don't get out of your car to make it to my door unless it's absolutely clear."

"I'll be there in thirty."

"Be safe."

"You too," Elise said.

I hung up and dropped back on my couch, letting my phone slip from my fingers to the cushion beside me. I guess Elise and I weren't good at breaking up, as separation was crucial with one another during that time and we were unable to do that. It was hard because we were so used to spending most days together, the work days where we couldn't see each other being the exception. But that didn't stop us from communicating in other ways.

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