Chapter 7

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I grabbed Elise's hand and mumbled, "We're talking about this later." 

Lyza made sure the door was securely locked, closed all the blinds, and turned the lights off. I was not sure how no lights would benefit us, but she looked determined and I didn't want to ruin that for her.

I had my arms around Elise while she was practically sitting on my lap I could feel her shaking in my arms, so I kissed her head and reassured that we would be okay with quiet words. There was no way he was going to get in.

"He's still out there," Lyza said after peeping around the curtains with a finger curled around the fabric.

"And he's not doing anything?" Elise asked.

"He's just hobbling around the yard. He looks drunk and lost."

"He's not drunk."

"Maybe I should go ask-"

"Lyza!" I scolded.

"I'm kidding." She smiled.

"Well, kid about something else."

"Is Elise pregnant yet? Get it?" Lyza giggled. "Kid."

I just rolled my eyes at her terrible joke.

It was a few hours later when we heard the rumbling engine of a vehicle approaching. I immediately got up from the couch and went to the window, not minding pushing Elise off me to check the surrounding. I gazed out just in time to see a golden-haired girl swing a wooden bat to the man's face that had been hovering outside for quite a while. He dropped like a rock.

My jaw dropped because I knew who she was, and she looked like tough competition.

"That's Gemma?" I muttered.

Elise, who was leaning her head on my shoulder, nodded.


Gemma advanced to the door, and I swallowed down my nervousness. I had to stand my ground. I couldn't let Gemma get close to Elise. Anger bubbled up inside of me at that thought. She temporarily ruined Elise and me. Even though everything appeared fine now, I knew it wasn't. Elise still held resentment about the girl I slept with during our break, and I was still unhappy about her causing the break in the first place.

Wrapping my arm possessively around Elise's waist, I went to open the door. In that second, future frustration passed through my eyes like a fucking movie.

"Elise, nice to see you again." Gemma smiled brightly at her and then offered me a smile too like she didn't know who I was.

And she had a fucking Australian accent! How was I supposed to compete with that and her beautiful appearance to add on top of it?!

"I'm Natasha," I announced, holding out my hand to her.

"Of course! Elise has talked about you non-stop." She took my hand to shake, and I watched in satisfaction as her eyes widened from me squeezing too tight. "Lovely to meet you."


Elise pinched my lower back, so I dropped her hand reluctantly.

"And this is Lyza." I gestured to my best friend who was hanging over my left shoulder.

"Hey, Lyza." Gemma waved sweetly like some fucking angel.

"You have some nice eyes," Lyza complimented rather than greeting her like a normal person.

"Thank you."

I resisted the urge to glare at Lyza because I didn't want to give Gemma that satisfaction. Her insanely beautiful, green eyes were nice, but Lyza could at least have my back.

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