Chapter two-Flowerpaw

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"Go Pigeonpaw!" Flowerpaw and Cherrypaw cheered for their brother. He was holding Beepaw down easily, while the medicine cat apprentice struggled awkwardly. Pigeonpaw was clearly much bigger than the orange-and-black tabby, and it was no secret that Beepaw was a lousy fighter.

Flowerpaw stifled a laugh when Nightpaw cheered for his brother, who clearly was not going to win.

Finally Icefang stepped in. "Okay, good job Pigeonpaw. I think it's clear who won." He cast a friendly glance at Beepaw, who was brushing grass off his pelt.

"That's not fair!" Nightpaw growled, stepping forward. "Beepaw hasn't had as much training as us. You should've put him against Flowerpaw, she's weak and easy to beat!"

Flowerpaw lashed her tail back and forth, irritated. She was desperately trying to keep her temper for Cherrypaw's sake, who hated fighting. But she lost it when Nightpaw threw a challenging smirk at her.

"I bet you couldn't beat me!" Flowerpaw cried, stepping briskly towards Nightpaw, who started to back away, surprised by her outburst. "Come on! I dare you to fight me!"

Beetleclaw, Flowerpaw's mentor, stepped forward, a worried look plastered on his face.

"Maybe you should just-"

"No!" Nightpaw cut in. "If she wants to get hurt fighting me, so be it."

Flowerpaw growled at him, pure hatred pulsing from her pelt. Not wanting to say another word to the mouse-brained apprentice, she stepped in front of him, assuming the attack stance. She watched him sink slowly down in his stance through slitted eyes, not even blinking.

Suddenly, before Flowerpaw even knew he was ready, Nightpaw let out a battle cry and lunged forward. Flowerpaw squeaked in surprise and gasped as he landed on top of her, knocking the breath out of her. She saw Beetleclaw watching her worriedly, and she knew she couldn't let him down.

With all of her strength, she shoved Nightpaw off her and jumped on his back. He let out a furious hiss, and Flowerpaw fought the temptation to dig her claws into his shoulders. He threw her off him, and she swiveled in the air so she landed on her feet. Calculating her next move, she bolted forward and dived beneath his belly. She was about to knock his paws out from underneath him, when he bit her tail.

She let out a cry of pain and dropped to the ground, desperately wanting to lick her tail. She pushed the pain away and stood up, facing Nightpaw with rage burning in her eyes. They both lunged for each other at the same time with aggressive hisses, and Nightpaw's claws connected with Flowerpaw's cheek. She wailed with surprise and crouched down. She realised how much her wounds were stinging now, but she tried to stay strong.

Flowerpaw knew they were small wounds compared to what warriors fought through, but she'd never been injured before.

"I knew I could beat her!" Nightpaw boasted, standing over Flowerpaw like she was a helpless kit. Fueled by rage, she stood up, knocking him away.

"He used his claws and teeth!" she cried out. That's when the mentors finally saw the scratches on her cheek and the blood dripping to the ground.

"You're such a liar! You probably scratched yourself while fighting, you're that clumsy!" Nightpaw concluded with a smirk.

This is the last straw! I'm fed up with him!

Flowerpaw raised her forepaw, unsheathed her claws, and slashed Nightpaw's cheek like he had done to her.

He fell back from her force with surprise and stared at her, as though he couldn't believe she had done that.

"Flowerpaw!" Beetleclaw growled and padded up to her.

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