Chapter one-Nightpaw

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AN: Yes, I've started a new story! This one will definately have weekly updates as I have already written the whole story. It would mean so much to me if you voted on the chapters and added this story to your reading list. It's probably my favourite warriors story that I've written so far! Please enjoy!

"Get your stupid paw out of my face, Flowerpaw!" Nightpaw growled at his den-mate. Her head cocked up and her yellow eyes glared at him.

"Oh, don't look at me like that!" he snarled.

"Fine!" She glared at him again, flicked her paw in his face, and then curled back up in her nest.

"Ouch! You did that on purpose!" Nightpaw growled, rubbing his nose with his paw. He heard Flowerpaw grumble something under her breath, but he didn't care what.

"Will you two stop bickering?" Dawnmist meowed as she padded up to where the apprentices slept in the camp. "You're coming on dawn patrol, Nightpaw," the warrior told her apprentice.

"Flowerpaw started it, she should go on patrol!" he retorted hotly, wanting more sleep.

"Excuse me?!" Flowerpaw sat bolt upright in her nest, glaring at Nightpaw with hatred.

"You heard me," Nightpaw stated.

"You started it! I didn't know my paw was in your face and you know it!"

"Stop!" Cherrypaw joined in. She was now sitting up in her nest, her fur matted and sticking up everywhere. "Do you two need to fight all of the time? You're worse than litter-mates!"

Dawnmist nodded in agreement. Nightpaw noticed Flowerpaw was sliding her claws in and out, tearing up the edges of her nest.

"Come on, Nightpaw. Twistedfoot and Icefang are waiting for us. Cherrypaw, wake up your brother please," Dawnmist meowed, indicating her tail towards Pigeonpaw.

Nightpaw reluctantly stood up and shook out his stiff legs one by one.

"Stop stalling, just go!" Flowerpaw growled at Nightpaw.

"Whatever, if I see your ugly face for much longer I might barf," Nightpaw retorted smartly with a grin. He padded after his mentor, leaving Flowerpaw sitting in her nest, aghast. He could hear Pigeonpaw's slow footsteps trailing after him, and for a moment he wondered why Flowerpaw couldn't be like her litter-mates, Cherrypaw and Pigeonpaw, who were much less annoying. She drove him mad sometimes, he had hated her since they were kits.

She was younger than him, and when they shared the nursery, she was always nipping his tail and clambering all over him. Their mothers had thought it was funny, but he hated her. And now, it seemed, she hated him too.

Nightpaw couldn't help but notice a lot of warriors poking their heads up from their nests as he walked to his patrol. I guess Flowerpaw woke them up with her incessant yowling, Nightpaw thought indignantly, refusing to believe he did anything wrong.

"Thank you for joining us, Nightpaw and Pigeonpaw," Twistedfoot meowed sarcastically as the apprentices approached. She lifted her twisted forepaw and licked it as she waited for the two of them to be standing in front of her.

Pigeonpaw brushed past Nightpaw, his pelt fluffy and soft, and stood beside Icefang, his mentor. Nightpaw pushed past Twistedfoot, who was now in a bad mood, and stood beside Dawnmist and started to groom his face.

"Well then, why don't we head off to the ThunderClan border?" Twistedfoot suggested. "Sunleaf said there was a bit of activity there yesterday when she went on the dusk patrol."

Icefang nodded. "Sounds good."

The five cats all padded up the ridge that the camp was in and pushed past a holly bush into the open moorland. A cold wind buffeted Nightpaw's fur and tugged at his whiskers. It was a chilly leaf-fall. He frequently woke up during the night shivering, wishing that the apprentices had a den like the nursery, but he knew that most of WindClan preferred to sleep out in the open, with Silverpelt glittering above them.

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