Chapter ten-Flowerpaw

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Flowerpaw crouched down, watching the little brown rabbit in front of her. Nightpaw was on the other side of it, standing downwind so it couldn't smell him. Flowerpaw waited till he flicked his tail in signal, then she bounded toward the rabbit. Its eyes widened as she came for it, and it turned around and darted right into Nightpaw's claws.

"Good job!" she praised him as he executed the killing bite.

"That was very well done indeed," Dawnmist meowed as she stepped toward the two apprentices. "That concludes the last part of the assessment."

Nightpaw looked at Flowerpaw excitedly, his tail swishing back and forth.

"Does that mean I can finally get my warrior name?" he asked his mentor.

Dawnmist nodded. Nightpaw jumped into the air with excitement and let out a yowl of delight.

"That's great!" Flowerpaw mewed, watching Nightpaw jump around.

"And you'll have yours in the next moon hopefully!" Nightpaw told her, stepping toward her.

Flowerpaw smiled and pushed her muzzle against Nightpaw's.

"I'm glad you two are finally getting along," Dawnmist smirked.

Flowerpaw quickly jumped away from Nightpaw with embarrassment. It had been nearly half a moon since they had switched back, and it was obvious that Flowerpaw and Nightpaw were friends, but no one needed to know how Flowerpaw really felt about the black-furred apprentice. She didn't want to tell him, though, in case he didn't feel the same towards her. It wouldn't surprise her.

"Alright, let's get back to camp," Nightpaw suggested, cutting into Flowerpaw's thoughts. "I want to get ready for my ceremony!"

Flowerpaw was happy that Nightpaw had chosen her to help with his assessment, considering that the last time she helped with his assessment she was him and she failed, even if it was on purpose.

The three cats quickly made their way back to the camp, pushing through the strong wind blowing against them. Leaf-bare was nearly upon the Clans, and the weather was getting colder every day. Flowerpaw wanted to get back to camp as fast as possible as her fur was blown around by the crisp wind.

"Are you excited?" Flowerpaw asked Nightpaw as they walked side-by-side.

"Oh yeah!" Nightpaw exclaimed. "I've been waiting for this for ages!"

"And the Gathering is tonight, you can show off your new warrior name there!" Flowerpaw told him, now getting herself excited.

"I wonder if Lionpaw will be there," Nightpaw added in a mocking tone, smirking at Flowerpaw. The golden tabby cringed.

"I'm never going to interact with that ThunderClan mouse-brain again!" Flowerpaw growled, thinking about the golden-brown tabby tom.

"I'm glad," Nightpaw whispered in her ear, his muzzle brushing against her cheek.

Flowerpaw felt her face go hot with embarrassment. Maybe he does reciprocate my feelings, Flowerpaw hoped silently. She felt her paws go weak as Nightpaw intertwined his tail with hers, and she never wanted this moment to end.


The whole Clan crowded around Tallrock as Eveningstar stood on it, looking down at Nightpaw. The black apprentice's fur was neatly groomed, and pride gleamed in his eyes. Flowerpaw stood near the front so she could get a good view of the ceremony.

Eveningstar cleared his throat to get the Clan's attention, then started the ceremony with words passed down from leader to leader.

"I, Eveningstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn."
Flowerpaw could see Nightpaw's black tail quivering with excitement. She was proud of him for finally becoming a warrior, considering everything that had happened recently.

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