Chapter six-Flowerpaw

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Flowerpaw fidgeted as she lay in Nightpaw's nest. He had just left for the dawn patrol as her with her mentor, Beetleclaw.

Everyone likes me better, now he's going to be treated better and I have to be him.

She remembered with a jolt that Nightpaw had to do extra apprentice duties after he had attacked her during training.

Now I have to do his duties!

"Nightpaw!" Dawnmist called. Flowerpaw lifted her head and looked around for the warrior. 

I have a new mentor as well! Dawnmist is so strict! If I told her I'm Flowerpaw, she'd think I'm mad!

"Yes, Dawnmist?" she asked as she jumped out of Nightpaw's nest and padded over to the grey she-cat. Dawnmist gave her a confused look, tilting her head to the side.

"Is something wrong?" Flowerpaw mewed.

Dawnmist looked even more confused. "Usually you're a grump in the morning, not a chipper apprentice ready to do jobs."

Mouse-dung! I need to act like him.

"Yeah, whatever," Flowerpaw growled, imitating Nightpaw the best she could. She watched Dawnmist carefully.

"That's more like it," Dawnmist chuckled. "Maplefur and Beepaw need a bit of help collecting herbs along the Horseplace, and they wanted someone trained in fighting to go with them." Dawnmist started to pad away, but stopped and looked back at Flowerpaw. "Oh, and Beepaw specifically requested his brother."

Flowerpaw sighed. Beepaw didn't like her one bit, like his brother, but she wasn't Flowerpaw anymore. She was Nightpaw, Beepaw's brother.

She headed away from the apprentices' ditch and towards the medicine den where Beepaw and Maplefur were waiting for her.

"Thanks for helping us," Beepaw mewed, flicking Flowerpaw's black flank with his tail.

"No problem," Flowerpaw replied awkwardly. "Um, I'd do anything for my brother."

Beepaw cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"You don't sound like yourself, are you okay?" Beepaw asked as he and Maplefur started out of camp.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine!" Flowerpaw quickly meowed, following the medicine cats out of the camp. She stumbled over a small rock as she tried to catch up, and as she braced herself, she could feel more strength in her muscles.

Nightpaw's stronger than I thought. I'll never get used to being in his body. I just want to be myself again!

"We're looking for chervil and coltsfoot," Beepaw told her. "They grow best around Horseplace so that's where we're going."

Flowerpaw nodded silently and followed beside the medicine cat apprentice.

Why does this have to be so awkward? she asked in her mind, looking up to the sky. She could imagine the warriors of StarClan laughing at their cruel joke.

I'll show them! I'll be a better Nightpaw than Nightpaw is!

"I found the chervil!" Maplefur called to the two apprentices.

Flowerpaw turned to face to mottled red cat, a cold wind whipping her face.

"They'll be helpful when leaf-bare is here," Beepaw mewed, trotting over to his mentor.

Flowerpaw went to follow him, but stopped as a voice sounded behind her.

"Nightpaw! Is that you?"

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