Chapter seven-Flowerpaw

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Two sunrises had passed since Flowerpaw had watched as the Clan left for the Gathering, and she still hadn't plucked up the courage to ask Nightpaw what had happened that night. She could guess by the way he was staring at her with a teasing look most of the time that he had talked to Lionpaw.

Stupid Nightpaw, she growled to herself, why can't he mind his own business and stay out of my love life?

She lay in the sun on her back, with her paws sticking in the air as she stretched. She could see her own golden tabby pelt entering the camp with a patrol and she knew that Nightpaw had returned. She'd been waiting for him. She needed to confront him about the Gathering, ask him what Lionpaw had said to him.

Flowerpaw rolled over onto her paws and started to pad up to the apprentice, when Dawnmist jumped in front of her suddenly.

"Nightpaw! I'm so sorry, I fell asleep and I forgot to tell you something important," the grey warrior meowed quickly. "Your final assessment is today. Make sure you're good and ready."

Flowerpaw froze. Fear flooded over her and her mind started whirling. I can't do Nightpaw's warrior assessment! He'll kill me! I don't have enough training! She could feel bile rising in the back of her throat, and when she turned her head to look for Nightpaw, she could see her own yellow eyes glaring at her intensely.

" assessment?" She gulped.

"Yes, we're leaving as soon as the next patrol gets back," Dawnmist replied. "I'm sorry, I meant to tell you this morning but I had to go on patrol and I only just woke up after my nap."

Flowerpaw tried to interject but the grey warrior padded away before she could get a word out. She was left with her mouth gaping open and her tail flicking worriedly.

As she stood there, the golden tabby Nightpaw marched over to her, his whiskers quivering and eyes narrowed.

"I promise I'll do the best I can-" Flowerpaw began.

"No!" Nightpaw interrupted, his thick fur standing on end. "You need to fail it."

Now Flowerpaw was incredibly confused. Nightpaw wanted her to fail his own assessment?

"Why?" she asked gingerly, afraid that Nightpaw would snap at her.

"Because if you pass, you'll be given my warrior name!" Nightpaw growled, frustration edging his mew. "Everyone still thinks you're me, and I'm you, but you are not getting my warrior name."

Flowerpaw's mind started to spin. She had to do an assessment, fail it, and she was trapped in Nightpaw's body.

"But if I fail, wouldn't that make you look bad?" she queried, tilting her head to the side.

"Well I'm not me so I don't care. Just, do your best to fail it, okay?"

Flowerpaw nodded, her mind still foggy. She started to feel dizzy with so many thoughts rushing through her head.

As Nightpaw started to pad away, Flowerpaw realised she had forgotten to ask him what had happened at the Gathering between him and Lionpaw. She started to go after him, but stopped when she saw Dawnmist making her way over.

Flowerpaw quickly glanced over at the entrance to the camp to see a patrol consisting of Pinespots, Brightsun, Cherrypaw and Ashfleck entering the camp.

Oh no, the patrol is back. Flowerpaw took in a deep breath as Dawnmist came to stand beside her. Flowerpaw quickly gave her black chest fur a lick, trying to calm her nerves.

"Okay, you're going to be doing some partner hunting with Cherrypaw," the grey warrior explained as she beckoned Cherrypaw over. The brown tabby raced over as fast as she could.

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