taller than ever

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in which alec is hopelessly and irrevocably in love with magnus bane, and magnus just needs to grab something from the top shelf


Alec let himself into Magnus's apartment, not bothering with knocking on the door. He never had to, and he would never need to. He practically lived with Magnus now.

Letting that thought flow through his head got him thinking. Vaguely, he called out a "Magnus, you there?" before seating himself on the couch, dazed. He heard a faint response, but he was too absorbed in his thoughts to reply.

Ever since he had first met Magnus, he had been confused. The warlock had excited feelings in him that he never even knew existed. Sure he loved Izzy. And he had spent most of his life thinking he was in love with Jace. But until he met Magnus, he had never really known that what it was like to really and truly love someone with all your heart.

He remembered the attention Magnus had given him, the affection that he had never received before, that he didn't even know he craved.

All that persistence. Alec had to chuckle at that one. Magnus had absolutely refused to give up on Alec, no matter what the odds were.

By the Angel, he even showed up at Alec's wedding. Which, by the way, was definitely one of the best things that had ever happened to Alec. If not for Magnus, he would have married to Lydia by now, living a lie, blinded by the delusion that he was doing the right thing.

Alec let out another small chuckle, this time at himself. It seemed so ridiculous now that he could have been married to someone else, that he wouldn't have been with Magnus. Sure, Alec had mad a few bad decisions, but thinking that him and Magnus being together was impossible, that was the stupidest of them all.

"Alexander?" Magnus said suddenly, shaking Alec out of his thoughts.

Alec's head snapped up at the sound of his name. But it wasn't just his name, because that would be an understatement. The way Magnus said his name was just so...

"Hey, Magnus." He said, grinning as he got up and walked towards his boyfriend before he could lose himself in his train of thoughts again.

He reached Magnus and bent over him, kissing him lightly before landing a quick peck on his forehead before drawing away to look at his face once more. He laughed at Magnus's indignant expression. One thing Magnus had never been able to get over was the fact that Alec was so much taller than him.

He put on an innocent expression and grinned once more. That is, until Magnus's own expression turned serious.

"Magnus, what is it?" Alec said, immediately on guard. "What happened?" He regarded Magnus with a cautious expression.

"Nothing is wrong, Alexander." Magnus said, clearly trying to reassure Alec. "I just..... needed a favor." He blurted out.

Now Alec was confused. It was always him asking the High Warlock of Brooklyn for favors. What could be possibly need?

"Name it." Alec said.

Magnus seemed hesitant to ask him, so he placed his hand comfortingly on Magnus's shoulder and asked him again.

"Magnus, what is it? You can ask me anything, you know that right?"

Magnus remained quiet for a long time before mumbling something incoherently under his breath. Normally, Alec's shadowhunter senses would've picked up on something like that, but he was too distracted by Magnus. He was acting so strange.


"I can't....reach the top shelf." Magnus said again, louder. He didn't bother meeting Alec's eyes.

For the longest time, Alec just stared at him. Finally, he couldn't contain it anymore. He burst out laughing.

"Fine, you know what? Forget it." Magnus said, the tips of his ears turning pink as he extricated himself from Alec's arms, which were encircled around him.

"No, Magnus, wait." He said, pulling Magnus back into the circle of his arms. "It's just adorable. That's all." Alec explained hurriedly.

"Well, it's a purple jar on the highest shelf in our bedroom." Magnus said reluctantly. Alec blushed when he said 'our bedroom', but tried not to let it get to him as he went it fetch what Magnus had asked him for.

"This the one?" He asked, holding up a bright purple jar with no label on it.

".....yes." Magnus said, sighing as his took the purple jar from Alec and 'suffering' through yet another forehead kiss (Alec knew he loved them) before scurrying into their bedroom to avoid further mortification.

Alec couldn't help but smile. He couldn't even begin to imagine a world without one of the most incredible, soulful people he had ever known.

Magnus Bane.



i didn't want to lie about it, so yeah, this author's note is rewritten. either way, first malec fanfiction!! i'd love to know what you guys think of this, so let me know :)

also, I am horribly gutted that we didn't get an argument about the height difference. yes yes lilith is out there wreaking havoc but come on, it would've been so freaking adorable.

all the love,

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