Chapter 16

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Taehyung roused before Jeongguk and smiled down at the younger boy. His lips were parted, still slightly swollen as they puffed warm breaths against his pillow, and Taehyung had to fight the urge to kiss him. His dark hair was tousled and his t-shirt was tugged up, revealing one of the hickeys Taehyung had left on him. The elder immediately decided that marking the maknae was one of his favorite activities.

Before his brain could travel farther down that road, Taehyung gently untangled himself and tiptoed out of the room. He wasn't the first person awake. Someone was already showering, and Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin were in the kitchen. Taehyung offered them a wave that only Hoseok and Jimin sleepily returned.

Seokjin raised his eyebrows, holding a mug up to his lips with both hands. He blew on its contents, his gaze never wavering from Taehyung. The younger pulled open a cupboard and asked, "What, hyung?"

"Tired?" Seokjin asked innocently. He took a sip from his mug.

Jimin snorted and Taehyung immediately blushed. Fucking Jeongguk and his noises. Still, he wasn't about to give in that easily. "No more tired than you probably are."

Now Jimin released a laugh, and Hoseok looked at the mochi quizzically. "Are you sure?" Seokjin pressed.

Taehyung squinted, "Positive, hyung. Can one of you help me? I want to make coffee."

"You hate coffee," Jimin pointed out.

"I'm aware of that, Jiminie," Taehyung said.

"I'm your hyung," Jimin muttered darkly.

"You sure about that?" Taehyung retorted.

"Children," Hoseok held up a hand, an easy grin plastered to his face. "It's too early in the morning for this."

"Sorry, hyung," Taehyung said, putting emphasis on the honorific, and turned back to the cupboard to grab a mug.

He shuffled to the coffee maker and hesitated. After Jimin and Seokjin stayed put for an awkward beat, Hoseok pushed himself up and crossed to him. "Here."

Taehyung stepped aside and let Hoseok turn the machine on. "Give me that," his hyung said gently, gesturing to the mug. Taehyung handed it to him wordlessly and Hoseok pressed a couple buttons. The machine sprang to life and Hoseok turned back to his dongsaeng, smiling, "Dang, Taetae, if I would have known being your roommate came with perks -" Jimin snorted loudly "- I would have volunteered swapping rooms!" He hummed to himself before adding, "Jeonggukie likes a normal amount of cream and a lot of sugar. Like, a lot. Don't be shy with the sugar."

Taehyung laughed, "Thanks, hyung, I'll keep that in mind."

Hoseok smiled. Seokjin watched this exchange silently over the rim of his mug. Taehyung looked over at him, "What, hyung?"

Seokjin lowered the mug and worked his jaw. Whatever he was getting ready to say was cut off by Jimin, "I'm older than Taehyung."

Hoseok shook his head in disbelief, "Yeah?"


"We were both born in '95," Taehyung said.

"Yeah, but I was born first," Jimin pouted.

Taehyung went to Jimin and pinched his cheeks. The mochi scowled, swatting him away, as Taehyung said, "You're too cute to be a hyung."

Seokjin snorted coffee out of his nose and Hoseok burst into a fit of laughter, both at his hyung and his two dongsaengs. Seokjin grabbed a paper towel and wiped his face, blowing his nose. "Aish, Taehyungie, warn me next time."

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