Chapter 4

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Taehyung was singing along to a song in his earbuds when the six boys entered the dance studio, his eyes fixed to his phone screen as he read along to lyrics. But when the door shut behind them, he straightened and turned, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. He pulled out his earbuds and stuffed them and his phone in his pocket. "Hi, everyone."

Namjoon stepped forward with PDnim, introducing each member one by one. Jeongguk tried not to stare too hard at the new member. If the boy in his dreams was ethereally beautiful, then the real Taehyung was even more so. In Jeongguk's dreams, there was a film about the boy's features that prevented him from focusing on anything specific. But here, Taehyung was in HD, and every angle of him was perfect. Even his little moles - Jeongguk immediately noticed one on the tip of his nose and one on his cheek - only served to make him more endearingly handsome. When Jeongguk dared to look into his eyes, the swirling pools he had seen in his dreams had transformed into brown and black galaxies, and Jeongguk could swear that he saw fractals of gold sprinkled throughout their depths. This Taehyung seemed happier than the one in his dreams, too. His smile was wide, and there wasn't a hint of pain in any of his motions.

Jeongguk blinked a couple times. He really didn't need to be having these thoughts about anyone, much less about a boy. He liked girls. He had always liked girls...

Then again, he had never put much thought into the topic. He never had to, really - the idol life didn't really allow for relationships. It was too busy.

But still, you'd think that he would have found at least one girl at school who was attractive to him. But he hadn't. What could that mean?

Okay, Jeongguk, this is not the time to think about this.

Everyone was staring at him. Jeongguk blushed, quickly dropping into a bow that was far too low for the circumstances, "Ah, sorry. Hi, Taehyung-ssi. It's good to meet you."

The hyungs were giggling at Jeongguk's reaction, but Taehyung only smiled, "It's good to meet you too, Jeongguk."

The maknae almost shivered at Taehyung's voice. It was gentle and smooth, like honey coated his vocal cords, and was the prettiest sound he had ever heard.

Namjoon clapped his hands, assuming his role as the leader now that introductions were over. "Alright, we're working on some new choreography. Taehyungie, why don't you just watch and see what you can pick up? We're still just getting to know it."

Taehyung nodded, "Alright, Namjoon-ssi."

PDnim checked his watch, "I'm sorry, I have to head out. Normally I'd stay for your first day, but I'll let Namjoon take over my role if that's alright."

"That's fine, hyungnim," Namjoon said.

PDnim smiled softly, "Thank you. Taehyung, I'll be in touch in a few days to see if this is a fit so you can fill out your contract. Sound good?"

Taehyung stretched his arms up before resting his hands on the top of his head, "Sounds great. Thank you again for this opportunity." He bowed and PDnim smiled at him before checking his watch again, nodded goodbye to the rest of the boys, and retreated out the door.

Hoseok stepped in front of them all, "Alright, we're not really learning anything today, so let's just start."

Taehyung moved to sit against the wall of mirrors, and Jeongguk couldn't help but stare as he walked. There was something inexplicably fluid about his gait.

"Jeongguk," Jimin said, snapping the maknae out of his trance. "You're over here, remember?"

Jeongguk blushed, "Uh, yeah, sorry."

Jimin smiled, "It's okay, we only just learned this last week."

The maknae shook his head. Focus.

A staff member started the music and Jeongguk forced himself to go through the steps of the choreography. He couldn't ignore the way Taehyung watched them, though, and he suddenly became self-conscious. His eyes suddenly locked with Taehyung's - the elder's gaze slid over him to watch Hoseok, though - and his feet slowed. He managed to back into Yoongi, who cursed when the maknae stomped on his foot, before snapping his focus back to the dance. Jeongguk mumbled an apology and avoided meeting Taehyung's eyes for the rest of the dance. It seemed like Taehyung wasn't at all concerned about him, though, so that was an easy feat.

When the music stopped, Hoseok stepped forward and rested his hands on his hips. His breath came in labored bursts as he said to Taehyung, "Well? What do you think?"

"I think I need a teacher," Taehyung said sheepishly.

Jimin giggled, "Well obviously, silly. We're all going to help you."

Taehyung bobbed his head awkwardly, "Cool, thanks."

"You better not be shy," Yoongi suddenly said.

Everyone turned to him. Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "I'm not, Yoongi-ssi."

"Good," Yoongi nodded, "because this one -" he jerked a thumb in Jeongguk's direction "- was obnoxiously shy, and I don't feel like coaxing anyone else out their shell with banana milk."

"Thanks, hyung," Jeongguk said, his face turning red.

Taehyung's eyes met Jeongguk's and the maknae's breath stuck in his throat. "I can't imagine that," Taehyung said. "Though I wouldn't be opposed to some banana milk anyway."

Yoongi's eyebrows shot skyward. None of them expected the newcomer to be joking with them so quickly.

Namjoon reacted first, "Well then, Jeongguk better start labelling his."

Jeongguk cracked a grin, turning to his hyung, "I'll just put them in the mini fridge in my room."

Seokjin slapped his shoulder, laughing, "You still have that thing?"

"I wasn't going to just throw it away!" Jeongguk reasoned.

Jimin threw an arm around Jeongguk with a burst of laughter, "That's our Kookie."

Taehyung stood, a wide, boxy smile stretched across his face. "A mini fridge with banana milk? You're a man after my own heart, Jeongguk."

After dance practice - Taehyung was a fast learner and Jeongguk was completely mesmerized by his hips the entire time - Namjoon had Taehyung sing with them. His voice was deep and earthy, but the members found that he could also growl - Jeongguk was convinced that the way his nose wrinkled as he did so was a blatant sin - and could even hit some pretty high notes. Seokjin requested that he sing something with Jeongguk ("What? I want to see how it'd sound.") and though the maknae had always been confident in his voice, he suddenly felt like he had to prove himself. But soon after they started singing, Taehyung paused and giggled, another boxy smile plastered to his face, "Wow, Jeonggukie, you're really good."

Jeongguk blushed, "Th-thank you, Taehyung-ssi."

Though Taehyung had started the day as quiet and sheepish, he quickly revealed his true colors. He was giggly, even more so than Jimin at times, and had no issue with making a fool of himself if he could get someone to laugh. And he danced and ran around. A lot. Too much for someone as clumsy as him. When Jeongguk dozed off on a break, he was awoken by Taehyung tripping over a chair. Hoseok and Jimin thought that it was the funniest thing ever, and Taehyung joined in on their laughter. They were loud enough to wake Yoongi, who would sleep even if he only had a minute-long break, and he glared at them until Jimin and Hoseok threw their arms around him.

When it was time to go back to the dorm, they all seemed sad to part. But Taehyung just grinned and hugged each member in turn - even Yoongi, who actually allowed it. Jeongguk wasn't as nervous around Taehyung anymore, so he was able to return the embrace in earnest. He smelled faintly of cologne and something spicy, and Jeongguk fought the urge to inhale too deeply. With that, they waved goodbye and made plans to meet there again tomorrow at the same time. Jeongguk could hardly wait.

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