Chapter 14

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After the tub was as sterilized as it could be without lighting it on fire, Jeongguk led Taehyung back to their room and directed him to sit down. "I'm going to go clean up and get ready for bed. Are you okay in here?"

Taehyung nodded. He was returning to his usual happy self, so he offered a small smile, "I'll be fine, Kookie, thank you." Then, "For everything."

Something in the air changed when their eyes met. Something good, but something indescribable. Jeongguk shook himself and grabbed some clothes before heading across the hall to the bathroom. He had to force himself to slow down and spend a full three minutes brushing his teeth, and then had to convince himself that yes, washing his face was an unskippable part of bedtime. He couldn't explain it, but he was antsy to return to Taehyung. He yanked on his sweatpants so hard that he almost fell over, and then tangled himself in his t-shirt fighting to pull it on as quickly as possible.

Finally finished, Jeongguk practically ran back to the bedroom. When he burst inside, chest heaving and hair wild, Taehyung straightened and their eyes locked. There was an otherworldly determination in his gaze as he beckoned Jeongguk to him. The maknae obeyed, floating until his knees were pressed against the edge of the bed. Taehyung scooted forward, eyes still trained on Jeongguk's, until his legs were on either side of the maknae. Those dark orbs were wide and filled with both trepidation and want, and they flicked to watch as Jeongguk bit his lip.

And then Taehyung's delicate fingers came up to hover over the waistband of Jeongguk's sweatpants, a wordless question that held the weight of mountains. But even though Jeongguk had fantasized about him for over a month, he shook his head. "Taehyung-ssi, I - that is, you - I know I, well, uh, and that we, but -" he chewed the inside of his cheek, hyper aware that Taehyung's hand hadn't moved. "I didn't do -" he reached to brush the back of Taehyung's shirt, vaguely gesturing to the bandages, "for...this."

"I know," Taehyung sighed heavily, dropping his eyes and resting his hand against Jeongguk's stomach, and the maknae could feel his warmth through his t-shirt. "But I want to, jagi. I - I always have, but I wanted you to know me. Who - what - and I wanted to make sure..." he flexed his thighs around the maknae, "I couldn't handle - I needed to know that you - but you really do love me, which I never expected, and that means I can - that is, if you still want to - I want to -"

"Hyung," Jeongguk breathed.

Taehyung met his eyes and found his answer in their depths. He nodded, sucking in a breath, and looked down again at Jeongguk's pants. Instead of tugging them off, though, he used Jeongguk's shoulder to push himself up onto his knees on the bed. He slid his hands into Jeongguk's hair and pulled him forward to kiss his lips, gentle and nervous, and Jeongguk knew that he was asking if this was okay, if this was wanted. The maknae brought his hands up to hook around Taehyung's neck and the older boy groaned and slid his hands up the back of Jeongguk's shirt. The maknae shuddered, already coming undone, and gave Taehyung's hair an experimental tug. The elder bit Jeongguk's bottom lip, probing it with his tongue, and Jeongguk knew that the boy had found his usual confidence once again. Jeongguk melted against him, sighing as he bent to press a kiss into Jeongguk's neck. "H-hyung..."

"Yes, Kookie?" Taehyung growled.

Jeongguk didn't know what he was going to say, though, and so he settled for releasing a quiet moan as Taehyung gently pulled his shirt off his body. This was the first time Jeongguk had been anywhere near naked in front of him, and he suddenly felt immensely self-conscious. He squirmed, bringing his arms up over his chest, but Taehyung shook his head fiercely, "Don't do that, jagi. Let me look at you."

Jeongguk dropped his eyes and let his arms uncross. Taehyung's gaze swept over his body and he murmured, "Such a beautiful boy," before swooping down to press his lips to Jeongguk's collarbone. He swirled his tongue against the maknae's skin, earning a loud mewl. "Shh, jagi," he giggled, lifting away briefly, "we don't want the hyungs to hear."

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