Chapter 10

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When Taehyung exited the bathroom, Jeongguk was sitting in the living room on the floor playing Overwatch. The maknae didn't even have to look up to know he was there - the dark hair along his nape stood up as the boy slid onto the floor beside him. "Hey, hyung," Jeongguk forced himself to say. "I, uh, I'm sorry. For - earlier."

Taehyung twitched into a shrug, "It's okay, Kookie. I'm sorry too."

Jeongguk swallowed and tried to focus on the screen. After a few minutes of Taehyung watching him silently, the maknae asked, "Do you want to play with me?"

The maknae could almost hear the smile spreading across Taehyung's face. "Of course, Kookie! I've never played this game before, how does it work?"

And fuck, teaching Taehyung the ins and outs of Overwatch was so domestic. Jeongguk almost laughed at himself. Hoseok had stepped into the room and sat down to watch them, and he giggled at the way Jeongguk shyly pointed to buttons on Taehyung's controller.

It didn't matter how nervous or jumpy Jeongguk was, though - he and Hoseok were soon laughing at the boy. "Taehyungie," Hoseok wheezed, "you don't have to try to be bad!"

Taehyung squirmed sheepishly. "I'm not, hyung." But he was laughing at himself too, and Jeongguk's heart melted a little more with each echoing burst from his hyung.

Jimin and Seokjin came in, curious as to why the three boys were all cackling like hyenas. Seokjin sat on the couch beside Hoseok, but Jimin dropped down behind Taehyung and wrapped his arms around the boy's chest. "Come on, TaeTae! You can do it!"

Jeongguk stiffened as Taehyung laughed and reached up to ruffle Jimin's hair, which only made the mochi giggle and hug him tighter. Jeongguk worked his jaw, unable to look away from the display. His grip on his controller tightened until the plastic groaned under the force. If Taehyung noticed the change in his demeanor, he didn't react to it.

Jeongguk was so focused on the anger burning through his veins that he didn't notice when Taehyung beat him until Hoseok, Jimin, and Seokjin started shouting praises to the newest member. Jeongguk's eyes snapped to the TV screen and he pursed his lips. Taehyung reached over to grip the maknae's shoulder, but Jeongguk shrugged him off. Jimin hollered, "My turn, Kookie! Can I play with Taehyung one round?"

Jeongguk robotically handed the controller to his hyung and stood up. "Yeah," he nodded absently, "I was getting bored constantly beating Taehyung-ssi anyway."

The two oldest hyungs in the room "oooo"ed as the maknae left the room. It took every ounce of willpower Jeongguk had not to slam his bedroom door behind him.

This was ridiculous. Taehyung was allowed to have relationships with the hyungs. Jimin was allowed to play and cuddle with him, just like all of the members were.

Though at the moment, Jeongguk didn't care. Red hot jealousy was coursing through his body, and all he wanted to do was be immature and lay on his bed, curl around his pillow, and cry. Because he was whipped for Taehyung, and he couldn't deny that anymore, and he couldn't do anything about it because Taehyung didn't like him back, would never like him back, because they were bandmates and -

Even though Jeongguk was drowning in self-pity, he still heard the door open and then quietly shut. The bed dipped and Jeongguk forced himself to look up at the intruder.

Taehyung perched on the edge of the bed with his hands wringing themselves in his lap. He met Jeongguk's eyes and offered a small smile. "Talk to me, Kookie."

Jeongguk opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He snapped his jaw shut and turned his face away. Taehyung stubbornly cupped his hand under Jeongguk's cheek and turned his head back towards him. "Kookie, please."

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