『 CHAPTER 11 』

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"Don't be too clingy!" I yelled at Silver. I loose respect to him yesterday and now. You want to know the real reason why I am like this? Well...


"Our mission is to make Sir Gawain come with us." Amy said.

"What is our reward if we get him?" Lancelot asked.

"His master Emeralds will help us to improve our power." She said.

"You're powerless right?  Sir Gawain don't have power to activate those 7 master Emeralds. He's just a guard who can fight death or life to protect the Emeralds." Silver— mean Galahad said.

"Huh?" Amy asked us.

"Do you think I am that weak?" Amy asked us angrily as she sighed.

"My mother is known as a lady of the lake. In our generation, I am the only one who can continue our kind. I'm the last kind of the lady of the lake. I already have my birthday and this-" she said as Sir Lamorak's glass of water come out of the cup. This made us shocked.

Water? But... How can she... Why didn't she use it in the first place when they saved me from iblis?

"Secrets are really full of surprises. I didn't know that you have power." Silver said as Amy keep twirling her fingers to manipulate the water.

"Water is not enough to take Mephiles down. I don't have enough power to take him down so I need more hogs who can help me. You guys have powers right? Sir Lamorak is good at his skills. Sir Galahad can see the future and he can control things using his mind. Lancelot have a great sword to kill thousands and hundreds of hogs and he is good at speed. Percival have powers to control 7 Sol Emeralds and he have an ability to control fire." She said.

I think that her ability is more special than I am. If I got overpowered I'm sure I can cause a destruction towards to everyone. That is why as much as possible, I want to be stable with my ability.

"Fire?" Lancelot and Lamorak asked her.

"She is the Flame Princess after all. Of course she have an ability to control fire." Silver said that made Lamorak tapped my armor.

"Y-You're a girl?!" He asked.

"So that's why your armor is too big for you. And you're voice is too girly." Lamorak said. I only manage to clench my fist and keep cursing Silver in the back of my mind for what he did to me.

His damn mouth is too talkative and unstoppable. What will Sir Lamorak and Lancelot think of me? That a Princess like me doesn't deserve to be a knight? Because I'm a girl and they thought that I am too weak?

"I don't care if she's a girl." Lancelot said that made me remove my helmet as a single tear escaped from my eyes.

"I want to be a knight. And being like this is an honor for me. I'm a Princess too, a Princess who is locked up in her castle for years, surrounded by flames with no hogs and people. But what if I am a Princess? No one can stop me for who I am. I will do what I want." I said calmy.

『 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒. 』Where stories live. Discover now