『 CHAPTER 40 』

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"What?" I asked Shadow as I pushed him out of my way to reach the door. For goodness sake I am thirsty! And I don't want to lock myself with him inside this room.

"Maria, just please this time learn to obey and trust me." He pleaded as I looked at him with a glare.

"But I'm thirsty Shadow, promise that there will be no problem if someone comes in here to offer something. I won't leave this room without any reason right? And I need water." I said.

"You won't leave this room until I get what you want." He said as I nodded in response. He used his Chaos Emeralds to teleport in just a second, leaving me alone in this room.

In just a second, Shadow appeared in front of me as I frown when he bring one gallon of water and a glass cup.

"You are not allowed to leave this room." He said as I filled the glass with water and drink it.

"I don't want to be stuck with you."

"I want to spend my time with you."

"Get away from me."

"Why are you pushing me away like I'm not your husband?"

"For goodness sake Shadow! We all know that we are married legally but we can get a divorce. This is not right."

"I pretend not to hear anything." He said coldly.

"Why do you always fight for me?" I really am not worthy.

"I don't easily give up... My property is mine and no one can have you." He said as I sighed.

"Why in the world you want me to be locked up in this place?" I asked as Shadow stand up and walk towards me.

"Because it will be dangerous for you to go outside. Rose have a visitor and you need to be in this place."


"My brother is here." He said that makes my mouth shut.

What? Mephiles is here? B-But how?!



"Why are you here King Mephiles?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"Am I not welcome in this kingdom anymore? You sounded like you don't want to see me. Is there something in this place that I need to see?"

Hearing his unusual voice makes me nervous and so alarmed right now. I don't know how to act cool because I already lost my calm. His husky deep and demonic voice sends shivers in my body that makes me tremble.

There is something in this place that he doesn't need to see, I need to act cool now so I can protect the others. It will be obvious that I am hiding something to him when I act nervously.

I tried to stay calm and act like there's nothing wrong. But deep inside, I was in panic now. My heart is beating so fast in fear. It's been a year since he visit this kingdom, why suddenly rushed in this place and visit me? I just hope that he didn't notice something.

"Pardon my rudeness but do I sound like I don't want to see you?" I asked as he looked at me from head to toe.

"No, you only seem to be so problematic today so I thought that you're stressed."  His voice echoed on the whole throne room.

『 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒. 』Where stories live. Discover now