Chapter 1

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Okay so here is my new story please tell me what you think

Chapter 1

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I really didn’t want to start this new school. I had to move back here to Sydney because my parents had a job transfer. I asked them to just leave me in England with my aunt but they said no. I sighed and dragged myself out of my warm and comfortable bed and made my way to get some clothes out of my wardrobe. It’s not the fact that I’m starting a new school; it’s that I’m starting it in the middle of the year. I am used to starting new schools but it has always been at the start of the year. I grabbed a blue vest top and some grey skinny jeans before grabbing my underwear and bra and making my way into my bathroom for a shower. I quickly washed myself and my hair before climbing out and wrapping a towel around my body. I blow dried my long brown hair before curling it. I applied some eyeliner and mascara before pulling on my clothes and slipping on some flat shoes. I took my phone off charge and slipped it into my pocket as I made my way downstairs. I saw my brother, Ashton, sat at the table eating some toast. He smiled at me as I grabbed an apple and taking a bite.

“Hey sis, do you want a lift to school?” He asked as he put his bowl in the sink. I nodded at him before throwing my apple away and picking up my bag. He grabbed his car keys and we made our way out of the door and towards his car. The ride was silent apart from the sound of the radio playing quietly.

“Stop worrying sis you’re going to be fine.” He said glancing at me.

“I know, it’s just that we are starting in the middle of the year so it is going to be hard to get to know people.”

“We will be fine like we always are. At least we are back in Australia now.” He said smiling at me. When I was 2, my parents had a job transfer to England and we have lived there ever since but we are originally from here even though I don’t remember it. Ashton parked his car and we both made our way into the office so we could get our timetables.

“Names please?” The lady behind the desk asked.

“Demi and Ashton Irwin” I said as she flicked through the papers on her desk looking for them. Once she found them she handed them to us along with the times of the lessons and a map. She also wrote down the number of our locker on top of our maps and told us where the lockers were.

“Now run along, first lesson starts in five minutes. The books that you will need for this year are in your locker.” She said before turning back to her computer. Me and Ashton made our way out of the office and out into the corridor. I quickly said bye to Ashton and walked around trying to find my locker. Once I found it the bell rang; I quickly put my bags in and grabbed my books. As I closed my locker door, I saw a boy with tattoos coving all of his arms. He had a lip ring and an eyebrow ring. He was standing against the locker next to mine.

“Hey beautiful, I haven’t seen you before.” He said with a deep Australian accent.

“I’m new here.” I said hugging my books to my chest.

“What’s your name then babe?” He asked moving closer to me and staring at me with bright blue eyes.

“I’m D-Demi Irwin.” I stuttered causing him to smirk at me.

“I’m Luke Hemmings.”

“I have to get to class.” I said trying to step around him.

“I’ll see you around then babe.” He said before leaning in and kissing my cheek making me blush. He smirked as he turned around and walked down the corridor. What the hell was that? Was he always like that with people? I shook my head getting rid of my thoughts before making my way to first lesson

I was sat at lunch when I next saw Luke. He was surrounded by people that all had tattoos and piercings. He looked over at me and winked when he saw me looking. I blushed and quickly looked down and took a bite of my pasta. Why does this boy have this effect on me? I don’t even know him and all I can do is blush. I sighed as I took another bite and I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Luke stood their smirking at me.

“Hello again beautiful.” He said before taking a seat next to me.

“Hi.” I said looking at my fingers.

“Why don’t you come and sit with us instead of all by yourself?” He asked before motioning over to the group he was sat with before.

“I don’t mind sitting by myself.” I said looking back at him.

“Well I don’t want a pretty girl like you to sit by yourself. Other boys might think they have a shot with you and you’re mine.” He said before standing up and grabbing my hand and dragging me with him. I’m his? What is that supposed to mean? He dragged me over to the group of people and made me sit down next to me and he put his arm around my shoulder.

“Demi this is Michael, Calum, Josh and Ed. Boys this is Demi.” He said pointing out each boy. They all had tattoos and piercings covering them.

“Nice to meet you Demi.” Michael said smiling at me. I shyly smiled at him before looking down and playing with my fingers. They were all talking around me and laughing about something that happened at a party last weekend. Luke still had his arm wrapped around me when I noticed Ashton walk into the canteen.

“Excuse me a minute.” I said before standing up and walking over to him.

“Who are they?” He asked as soon as I got to him.

“That is Luke, Michael, Calum, Josh and Ed.” I said looking over to them. I saw Luke looking at me and I quickly turned back to Ashton.

“They seem… different. Why did the one have his arm around you?” He asked glaring at Luke.

“I honestly have no idea.” I said looking back at Luke. He was glaring at Ashton while talking to the others.

“Just be careful ok sis?”

“Don’t worry Ash I will.” I said turning back to look at him. He quickly kissed my forehead before grabbing some food and walking back out of the canteen. I made my way back over to sit by Luke and he immediately put his arm around me again.

“Who was that?” He asked still glaring at people that walk past.

“My brother Ashton.” I said smiling up at him.

“Oh. So Demi, there is a party on Saturday and I was wondering if you would come with me?” He asked looking into my brown eyes.

“Yeah of course.”

“Great. I will see you later babe.” He said kissing my cheek and walking off leaving me to sit at the table blushing.


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