Chapter 13

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Mention of self harm
Ashton's POV
1 week later

I have no idea what to do anymore. Demi is so depressed and I haven't seen her this way since our mum died. She has stopped eating and has lost a lot of weight. She still goes to school except she doesn't talk to anyone and when she gets home she locks herself in her room. I just don't want her to do what I did when our mum died.

I was walking down the hallway towards lunch when I noticed Calum, Luke's friend, walking towards me.

"Do you mind if I talk to you about Demi and Luke?" He asked. I nodded my head signalling him to continue. "It's my fault. A few weeks into the dare Luke came to me and asked if he could leave it. He told me he had fallen in love with Demi and didn't want to hurt her. I told him he couldn't because I thought he just couldn't win the dare and wanted an easy way out. I know I was wrong now. He really does love her. The look on his face when he saw you was heartbroken. He knew he had hurt her and it is all my fault. He isn't the same Luke anymore. When he was with here he was actually happy and didn't just fake smile all the time. Please tell her not to blame Luke or Michael. It is my fault the dare happened in the first place." He said playing with his fingers. I stared at his face for a while to see if there was any sign that he was lying but he wasn't.

"Yeah I will tell her but I don't know if she will listen." I said before walking away. I need to talk to Luke.

I found him sat outside underneath a tree smoking. he looked up when I sat down next to him and I noticed dark circles under his eyes and one of them was bruised. I decided not to ask about it and talk about the real reason I was there.

"I know you tried to stop the dare." I said causing him to look at me with wide eyes.

"How did you find out?"

"Calum spoke to me. Listen Luke. what you did to my sister was wrong and I will never be able to fully forgive you for what you did to her. But as much as I hate to admit it, she needs you Luke. She's gone back into depression Luke and it's worse than last time. I don't want her to do what I did when our mum died." I said playing with the many wristbands on my wrist. "Please just try talking to her again. I know you are good for my sister."

"Where is she?" He asked as he stood up and dropped his cigarette to the floor and stood on it.

"She's at home. She said she didn't feel well this morning. I will give you my key so you can get in. Her room is the first door on the left upstairs." I said as I handed him my house keys. He thanked me before running to his car.

Luke's POV

Ashton didn't need to explain what he did when his mum died. I could tell by the way he played with his wristbands. I can't let Demi do that just because of me. As soon as Ashton dropped his house keys into my hand, I ran to my car. I just hope I'm not too late.

As soon as I had parked outside of her house I ran to the door and unlocked it before running up the stairs and into her room. She wasn't there but I could hear her crying in her bathroom. Please don't tell me I'm too late. I ran to the door and turned the handle before slowly pushing the door open. She sat there on the floor crying holding a blade to her wrist. I quickly moved towards her and took the blade away from her and throwing it away before I pulled her into my arms.

"Demi you can't do this." I said as I lifted her up and walked to her bed and lay down with her resting on my chest.

"Why? It's not like you care." she said as more tears fell from her eyes.

"I care about you so much Demi. At first it was just a dare but I fell in love with you. I talked to Calum and he wouldn't let me leave the dare. He said if I let he would tell you and I love you too much for you to get hurt. I love you so much Demi and I regret doing the dare so much but I also don't because I know that if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to have called you mine. I miss you so much Demi. I miss not being able to hold you of a night while you sleep. I miss your smile and I miss being the reason behind it. I miss when we used to talk about nothing for hours before we fell asleep. I know you won't forgive me but I do love you Demi. I have never loved anyone but I would risk my life to make sure that you are safe."

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

I didn't answer her question I just pulled out my phone and rang Calum before putting it on speaker.

"Hey mate what's up?" Calum's voice came through the speaker.

"I need you to tell me everything that you said to Ashton." I said as I looked down at Demi.

"How did you know I spoke to Ashton?"

"He came and talked to me but that's not the point. Tell me what you told him."

"I said the dare was my fault. I told him that a few weeks into the dare you asked me if you could quit because you had fell in love with her. You said you didn't want to hurt her. I said it is because of her that you are actually happy and not faking it anymore. I told him to tell her all that and not to blame you or Michael because I was the one to make the dare."

"Thanks Cal." I said before hanging up. I put my phone down beside me and looked down at Demi. She looked up at me with more tears in her eyes. "I tried to stop it Demi. I love you so much and I didn't want to hurt you. "

She seemed to think for a while before making eye contact with me. "I love you too Luke." she said as a tear fell down her cheek. I leant down and pressed my lips against hers. I missed the feeling of her lips on mine. She kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck. Once we pulled away we stared into each other's eyes.

"I missed you so much." I said before pecking her lips again.

"I missed you too." she said before resting her head on my chest.

I have my baby back.

A/N on last chapter left guys. I can't believe that this story is almost over but I will do a sequel called 'Hey Beautiful'

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