4- Get Out Of The Janiters Closet

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Shit. The last time I saw Frank Iero was when he was snogging the pants off Pete Wentz. What I mean is the last I spoke to Frank properly was before he got into sex, sports and well... a whole load of more sex. He used to be sweet and knew how to take care of someone he liked properly. Now his version on 'taking care' is sliding his zipper down inside the janitors closet.

I look over my shoulder to get a better look at him. His face was in his hands but his hair was dirty and over grown. His clothes hung loosely around his frame making me worry slightly. I hope he was eating properly.
Suddenly his head shot up in alarm as he realised he hadn't been paying attention to the class and my worrying state increased dramatically. He looked bad. And I don't mean he was just having one of those days where he looks a bit off. I mean his face was thin and stubble covered his chin and jaw. Dark bags hung from under his eyes and his usual sparkling golden orbs for eyes were now dark and dull. To sum it up, he looked a wreck.
I find myself frowning in concern but I shouldn't. He doesn't deserve any of my concern when he goes through girls like he goes through songs on his playlist.

Whilst we're in the subject of music, I wonder what happened to that dream of his to be a musician. I remember when he was younger he had a crazy dream of being in a band and being a famous rockstar that travels worldwide. He was actually pretty talented aswell, he could play guitar really well and even had a nice voice.
I guess his dream died though because now all he cares about is this football career that seems to be the most important thing on this planet to him. Well that and getting into someone's pants every few days.

I roll my eyes at my thoughts and turn back around to scribble on my note book when I realise that frank is staring at me. I look in the corner of my eye and I swear I see tears start to well up on his blood shot eyes.

"Excuse me, Ms?" I call with my hand in the air. She looks up at me in response, her glasses at the end of her nose and still chomping loudly on gum.
"Is it okay if I speak to my partner outside the class room quickly?"

"Do whatever you want kid," she replies unenthusiasticly and I pick up my bag quickly to make my escape. I glance over at Frank who stares at me cautiously but soon has a relieved expression on his face as he follows suit.

As we get out of the corridor I'm the first to speak, the hubbub of chatter next door in the background.

"So, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I ask with a soft tone.

He looks up at me surprised for a moment before looking back down towards his feet and mumbles a quiet "nothing's wrong"

"Your voice tells me otherwise," I remark "but I won't dwell on it if it makes you uncomfortable"
A quiet sigh leaves his lips in relief and I can't help but let the ghost of a smile linger my lips.
"So, how about we get out of here and grab something to eat? You look like you need it and I know a great pizza place just around the corner."

He looks up a little startled "I- I really can't--"

"I'm not taking no for an answer," I interrupt. "Oh and it's on me." I say with a smile before turning on my heel towards the exit, a rather slow confused boy stumbling behind me.


Well damn. Doesn't this just suck a whole load of ass?

I mean, the parts I changed my self suck, the parts Abi wrote are great! But it's 2 am and I can't be bothered to try and improve it so you can just have this short trashy chapter (:

Like I said, it's 2am and there's bound to be like 38 mistakes in here, so if you spot any don't be a bitch and complain. Just let me know politely if it bothers you and I'll correct them (:

Leave comments n vote n stuff, I appreciate it v much <3

I sneezed 14 times writing this wtf

Okay, I'm sleepy and have nothing else to say.

Thanks Pete,

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