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*Unknown P.O.V*


Everything hurts. THere are no words to describe how I am feeling right now. Everything just... hurts.

There was a steady beeping which echoed in my ears and just made my head pound with the worst headache - worse than the type that comes with a severe hangover. I felt like I had to force my eyelids open, but slammed them shut again as bright light filled my vision, making me wince. It was several seconds before I opened my eyes again, this time slowly, and so I was squinting around what I think is a hospital room.

This is feeling very much like deja vu.

I was hooked up to a heart rate monitor, so that explains the constant beeping. There were some other machines and monitors which I have no idea what they are for. I turned my head to the right when movement caught my eye, and there was a man there in a white doctor's outfit. He looked at me and smiles softly, one I struggles to return because one - I am utterly confused as to where I am and why; two- Why does everything hurt?

THe sound of a door opening reached my ears and I glanced in that general direction, seeing two people walk into the room. The doctor moved over to them and spoke in a tone so quiet I couldn't hear, but I picked up that it was urgent for they all glanced at me before the doctor left the room, leaving me alone with the two people.

One of them was female, with blue eyes and her dark brown hair tied back in a tight bun. The other was dark skinned man with an eyepatch covering one of his eye, giving him a slightly scary appearance. They both approached my bedside, he female taking the vacant seat while the man remained standing, leaning on the end of the bed by my feet.

It was several minutes before either of them spoke, and all the while I struggles into a sitting position, my entire body feeling like it was on fire. The sound of the heart monitor was the only thing breaking the silence of the room, followed by a heavy sigh from me as I collapsed back into the oversized pillow behind my head, running a hand over my eyes.

"You sure took your own sweet time," the man said, the corners of his mouth turning upwards in a ghost of a smile.

I chuckled but stopped as a sharp pain stabbed through me, and I winced. SIghing as m body relaxed again I turned to the woman. "How long?" I whispered, having not used my voice for so long it sounds all scratchy.

She rubbed her hands together and exhaled through her nose before replying. "A month," she said quietly. "You've been in a coma for a month."

I nodded slowly. "That's understandable. I'm guessing the others thought I was dead?"

I felt the mood in the room shift as soon as I asked that question, and by the quick glances they gave each other, that was more than nguh of an answer for me. All the same, the man nodded. "It was near impossible to get a readable pulse," he said slowly. "The doctors tried everything, but it wasn't until you were declared dead for a hour that you started to show signs of life again."

"And let me guess, you hid me away where no one else would know?"

He nodded again. "It was better that way, for them to be at peace of mind rather than deal with the idea of a ghost."

I sighed again and sat up straighter, feeling the strength returning to my limbs. "What happened, exactly?"

They gave me the whole story, New York and the aftermath, including my supposed 'death'. Apparently I projected enough energy to wipe out the entire city, but that was not the case. Apparently I destroyed those coming through the portal and gave my friends enough strength to keep fighting... So why didn't it work for me?

And that was by far the worst - hearing that everyone I held close, in fact, the whole country, believes I'm dead. Good news the country thinks I'm dead, but not so much about those I was close to. Oh, things just keep getting better and better.

I glanced down at my chest, peeling the hospital gown off my shoulder enough for me to see the thick wrapping of bandages around my upper chest and shoulder. I remember that day as if it was yesterday - well, it feels like it for me, when in reality it was month ago. "I suppose I should be thankful about self-healing, eh?"

The man chuckled. "It was actually a miracle that that kicked in, otherwise you were definitely gone."

There was a brief silence, filled only by the beeping of the heart monitor. "First things first, where am I?" I asked after a moment.

"Someplace safe," the woman replied.

"Agent Hill, I don't think there is anywhere anymore that can be classed as 'safe'" I retorted, looking at her with a half hearted glare. I know the meaning of safe, and it is not locked in a room hooked up to a machine. Agent Hill stared back at me before looking to the man. I followed her gaze and sighed. "Director Fury, I take it this means I am technically not allowed to see the others?"

Fury sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "No, I'm afraid not. A least, not directly."

I nodded, accepting that, despite the fact I want to bolt out of wherever the hell I am and find them. New York flashed through my mind and I turned over, facing away from them as I buried my face into the pillow, willing myself to hold in the tears against the pain. I saw Fury nod at Agent Hill and I hear her footsteps leave the room. Fury then got up and sat by my head, placing a hand on my shoulder gently.

"Listen, I know this is hard," he said quietly. "But we could use your help when you're out of here, so it will take your mind off them."

Nothing will take my mind off what I left behind. "I somehow doubt that, but whatever you say." I looked up at him, my eyes watering slightly. "But please give my details before you send my on a wild goose chase. I'm technically not an agent anymore."

He nodded and brought out a folder from his jacket, with CLASSIFIED stamped in big red ink on the front. "Your friend Caleb has been sighted, not far from your old home in New York."

I sat up again and opened the folder, biting my inside cheek at the photo on the inside, along with documents and what looked like blueprints and grid charts. "You finally found him?"

He nodded again. We finally found him." He patted my shoulder again and stood up walking around the end of the bed to the door. "I suggest you study up, do your homework. We're gonna need you on this, and I know you will go anyway whether I say so or not." I smirked in confirmation of this. "You fly out in a week." I nodded and looked back at the folder as he moved to the door. He paused, and I looked up at him expectantly.

Again there was a ghost of a smile on his face. "It's good to see you, Jodie."

Jodie smiled. "Likewise, sir."

*A/N: Woo-hoo! The sequel you have all been waiting for! Sorry it took a bit. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it, and I will be updating when I can.

Thanks, J xxx

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