10~ Turn Away

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*Third Person P.O.V*

While the two soldiers were fighting it out, back in Pierce's office, Natasha had a rather smug look on her face as Pierce and Fury finished entering their passwords into the system and she pressed a few more keys. "Done," she announced, glancing at the electronic device in her hand. "And it's trending."

Silence filled the office, and then with a sidelong glance from the corner of his eye, there was a flash of light, a sizzling noise and the smell of burning, and with a single tap on a button from Pierce on the device in his hand, the three male Council members were all groaning and clutching at their chests, before collapsing to the ground. Natasha, Nick and Jodie were both quick to aim their guns at Pierce, but his next words made them freeze as he faced Natasha.

"Unless you want a two-inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down," he warned, noting the way Nick and Jodie were practically glaring daggers at him. "That was armed the moment you pinned in on." The three of them remained as they were, before slowly and almost reluctantly lowering their guns.

Jodie was fumig. She remembered a time Natasha might've turned a gun on her, and now they were both fighting for the same cause, and she was against anyone who turned a gun, or any kind of weapon, against her friends. So how were they gonna get out of this one?

Meanwhile, Sam was just locking himself in a fight with Rumlow, and while it kept the S.T.R.I.K.E. team leader away away from Pierce's office, a part of him was wondering if this was really such a good idea after all...

"This is gonna hurt," Rumlow told him, taking off his cover vest.

Groaning through clenched teeth as he got to his feet, Sam tried to ignore the mocking and almost bored way Rumlow was speaking: "There are no prisoners with HYDRA. Just order. And order only comes through pain. You ready for yours?"

"Man, shut the hell up," Sam said, and barely a second later the two men launched themselves at one another, fists raised and ready to throw punches.

Back in Pierce's office, Jodie, Nick and Natasha's entire plans seemed to have come to a halt. They had no confirmation that Steve and Sam had succeeded in stopping the carriers, and now Natasha was practically being forced to remain non-threatening. They all were, actually.

"Lieutenant, how much longer?" Pierce asked, and there came a reply over the radio: "65 seconds to satellite link."

That knowledge sent goosebumps dancing alson Jodie's skin, as well as causing a nervous feeling to swell up in her gut. Perhaps all of this had been for nothing. No, it was not over yet - she knew that - but there were still so many consequences and other factors that could come out of this, whether hey succeeded or not. Right now, she was just wanting to get away from Pierce. She was more than willing to put a bullet through his skull, but she knew that that wouldn't help their situation.

"Targeting grid engaged," reported the lieutenant. "Lowering weapons array now."

Maria Hill saw this and forced down her panic. "One minute," she warned Steve over the intercoms, hoping he was still in the running.

Unbeknownst to her, or anyone, he was. After a long and weary fight with the Winter Soldier, Steve was still inside the last Helicarrier and was swinging his way back up to the control panel. His arm was stinging from where he'd been stabbed and, despite being a Super Soldier, he was sure he'd have more than a few bruises come tomorrow, but he was still going. He knew time was running out, but he was not giving up yet.

He ran up the ramp, but then there was the sound of a gunshot and with a groan e collapsed to his knees, the back of his upper left thigh stinging badly and the suit stained with blood. Looking over his shoulder he saw the Winter Soldier on his feet again - who else could've shot him? Ignoring his pain, he jumped up on the side of the structure and continued to climb, as tired and pained as he was feeling. Another gunshot fired, barely missing his hand, but he held on. He pulled himself up and rolled onto the ramp, panting heavily but finding the strength to get him to the control panel.

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